Development:MoodleMoot 2007 HackFest

From MoodleDocs

The main part of the 2007 UK Moodle Moot is on Wednesday and Thursday 24th and 25th October. The day before, on the Tuesday, there will be a HackFest for developers to meet, talk and write code.

Practical arrangement

You need to get right here. This is the centre of the Open University's Campus:

The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

The area we are meeting in is called the Christodoulou Meeting Rooms. The entry is under an archway, and if you go in and up the stairs you should find us in Meeting Room 15, or the open foyer area just outside it. We will be there from about 10:00am to about 5:30pm, and lunch will be provided.

If you are registered for the MoodleMoot, wireless network sign-in information should be available on arrival.

Programme for the day

In keeping with Moodle's open source philosophy, the day will be self-organising. You can turn up and talk to other developers about anything you like. However, within that general free-for-all, we will have a number of pre-announced discussions on particular topics at particular times.

Please feel free to add your own suggestions below.

Naturally, not all developers will be able to come, so it might be a good idea to start discussing some of these topics in the General Developer Forum now. And if anything significant comes out of the discussions, we should try to record it on the wiki.

Quiz developments

Time: 2:00 to 3:00
Room: ??
Suggested by: Tim Hunt


Time: 11am to 12 noon
Room: ??
Suggested by: Thanh Le

Social Networking tools

Time: ??
Room: ??
Suggested by: Jenny Grey

Offline Moodle (and particularly synchronisation issues)

Time: ??
Room: ??
Suggested by: Colin Chambers

See also