
From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 16:42, 9 December 2021 by Tim Bahula 2 (talk | contribs) (clean up, typos fixed: notifcation → notification (3))

This document provides an overview about the features of Pulse and Pulse Pro.


Name Description
Title The title of the pulse is not visible to the student on the course page; it's used for administrative purposes mainly, e.g. on the reports overview page. It will be used by default as subject for the invitation.
Content The content is used on the course page (and can be wrapped into a bootstrap alert box — pro only).


The following notifications can be used:


Name Description
Send notification Enable/disable the notification; Pulse will send the notification only if it is available to the student (visible or stealth), it will not send a notification if it's hidden/not available based on activity restrictions.
Use notification content instead of general content By default, Pulse will use the title of the Pulse activity as subject and the general content as message. Enable this setting to use the notification subject & notification content instead.
Re-send notification Manually trigger sending the notification (again).
Notification subject The subject of the notification if "Use notification content instead of general content" is enabled; supports placeholders
Notification content The content of the notification if "Use notification content instead of general content" is enabled; supports placeholders
Notification recipients Choose which roles shall receive the notification

First Reminder PRO

Name Description
Enable first reminder Enable/disable the notification; Pulse will send the notification only if it is available to the student (visible or stealth), it will not send a notification if it's hidden/not available based on activity restrictions.
Use notification content instead of general content By default, Pulse will use the title of the Pulse activity as subject and the general content as message. Enable this setting to use the notification subject & notification content instead.
Notification subject The subject of the notification if "Use notification content instead of general content" is enabled; supports placeholders
Notification content The content of the notification if "Use notification content instead of general content" is enabled; supports placeholders
Notification recipients Choose which roles shall receive the notification
Notification schedule Choose if the reminderr shall be sent at a fixed date (e.g. Oct 11th, 10:00am) or at a relative date (e.g. 2 days after becoming available)

Second Reminder PRO

Name Description
Enable second reminder Enable/disable the notification; Pulse will send the notification only if it is available to the student (visible or stealth), it will not send a notification if it's hidden/not available based on activity restrictions.
Use notification content instead of general content By default, Pulse will use the title of the Pulse activity as subject and the general content as message. Enable this setting to use the notification subject & notification content instead.
Notification subject The subject of the notification if "Use notification content instead of general content" is enabled; supports placeholders
Notification content The content of the notification if "Use notification content instead of general content" is enabled; supports placeholders
Notification recipients Choose which roles shall receive the notification
Notification schedule Choose if the reminderr shall be sent at a fixed date (e.g. Oct 11th, 10:00am) or at a relative date (e.g. 2 days after becoming available)

Recurring Reminder PRO

Name Description
Enable first reminder Enable/disable the notification; Pulse will send the notification only if it is available to the student (visible or stealth), it will not send a notification if it's hidden/not available based on activity restrictions.
Use notification content instead of general content By default, Pulse will use the title of the Pulse activity as subject and the general content as message. Enable this setting to use the notification subject & notification content instead.
Notification subject The subject of the notification if "Use notification content instead of general content" is enabled; supports placeholders
Notification content The content of the notification if "Use notification content instead of general content" is enabled; supports placeholders
Notification recipients Choose which roles shall receive the notification
Notification schedule Choose the interval, e.g. 1 week or 4 days

Completion criteria

The following completion criteria can be used:

Name Description
Available on completion Pulse will be complete as soon as it is available (i.e. not hidden or unavailable due to availability restrictions)
Self mark completion Students can self mark complete — the difference to "manual" completion is that students can't revoke it and that a green badge indicates the time when they marked themselves complete
Require approval by role Require a specific role (choose from any course context and user context role) to mark the student as complete

Actions PRO

The following actions can be used:

Name Description
Credit Score Add or remove credits to/from a custom user profile field. (best in combination with our enrolment plugin "Course Credit Enrolment")

Reactions PRO

The following reactions can be used:

Name Description
Type No Reaction
Rate Let students rate the course (like/dislike) directly in their e-Mail client (no login required); use the placeholder {reaction} to place it in the notification
Mark complete Let students mark complete something directly in their e-Mail client (no login required); use the placeholder {reaction} to place it in the notification
Approve Let teachers/parents/line managers approve something directly in their e-Mail client (no login required); use the placeholder {reaction} to place it in the notification
Location Notification only Show the reaction in the notification
Notification and Content Show the reaction in the notification and on the course page
Content only Show the reaction on the course page

Appearance PRO

The following options for the design of the Pulse activity on the course page are available:

Name Description
CSS class Add a specific css class to the pulse activity; can be used to style it in a bespoke way
Display mode Choose if the activity shall be displayed "normal" (i.e. only the content added in the general content area) or if it shall be wrapped into a bootstrap alert
Box type If box mode is used, you can choose from the following presets:
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Danger
  • Warning
  • Light
  • Dark
  • Success
Box icon If box mode is used, you can choose an icon which will be added at the left side of the box (font-awesome)


In order to simplify using Pulse, we have implemented presets that allow teachers to use pre-defined configurations of Pulse easily. Here's a screenshot of Pulse's activity administration page when creating a new Pulse activity:

With Pulse Pro, the site administrator can create and customize presets easily according to the specific requirements of their organisation.