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#redirect [[Development:AMF3]]
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This page was started on 9th October 2008 by [ Matt Bury]
* Please note: If you want to use ActionScript 2.0 (Flash 8 and under), please refer to [[Development:AMFPHP]].
==What is AMFPHP?==
===Action Message Format PHP===
[ AMFPHP] is a widely used open source remoting server that allows Flash and Flex client-side applications to call PHP methods directly, as if they were native Flash/Flex ActionScript methods. It is fast and lightweight and presents an efficient, simple and easy to implement method of communicating with PHP and databases.
===Preserved Data Types===
[ AMFPHP] preserves the following data types between ActionScript and PHP:
* Array
* Bitmap
* ByteArray
* int
* Number
* Object
* Recordset (mysql_result)
* String
* XML (ActionScript 3.0 also supports [ E4X] notation)
Note: Please add to this list if you have successfully tested data types using AMFPHP 1.9.beta+ and ActionScript 3.0.
[ AMFPHP] automatically converts data types between ActionScript and PHP to their native equivalents. For example, it can convert a PHP array into and ActionScript array or a PHP resource, such as a mysql_result into an Actionscript Recordset.
===AMF0 and AMF3===
Previous versions of Flash, using ActionScript 2.0 (versions 6, 7 and 8), use AMF0. ActionScript 3.0, Flash CS3+ and Flex, use AMF3 by default but can also use AMF0. What's the difference? AMF3 is compressed and therefore faster. For more details look [ here].
==What is AMF Moodle?==
[ AMF Moodle] is a new project (9th October 2008) which aims to integrate Flash and Flex with Moodle's API. The aim is to build a library of services that Flash and Flex developers can use to create secure client-side applications that can interact with Moodle. The first step will be to create a Moodle module that facilitates deploying custom made, generic Flash and Flex e-learning interactions in Moodle courses and recording user interaction results in the Moodle gradebook.
===AMF Moodle Outline===
There is a summary of some of the specifications for the new AMF Moodle on the [[Talk:AMF_Moodle]] comments page that are under discussion. Once we have a more definite specification, it will be transferred to here. Please feel free to comment, make requests, ask questions etc. on the comments page. It'll really help us alot.
===AMF Moodle Participants===
The project's participants at the moment are:
[ Matt Bury],
[ Jamie Pratt]
and [ Marcus Potter].
You can find the project home page at [].
Find the AMF Moodle discussion thread [ here].
For further discussion, please use the [[Talk:AMF_Moodle]] page comments tab for this wiki page.
==What Are the Differences between Using AMFPHP and SCORM?==
Several Moodle developers and contributors have asked the question, "If you want to deploy Flash in Moodle, why not use SCORM?" The following is a comparison, posted by Jamie Pratt in the Moodle General Developer Forum, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of using SCORM and how AMF Moodle would be able to address some of those shortcomings.
===Advantages of SCORM===
* portability
* defined API
* familiar to some developers
* package all necessary content in a known format easily uploadable and automatically included in course.
===Disadvantages of SCORM===
* From what I've heard there are some issues when trying to get SCORM working across platforms because of incorrect implementation of the standard in the ?packager?, ?in the lms? and/or in the SCORM content.
* The SCORM API is very limited?
* The SCORM API is javascript. Flash remoting such as AMF allows a robust way of communicating directly from Flash to the server.
* Content must be packaged. Needs an extra application to package the content.
* SCORM Shareable Content Objects can not share a common root swf file. This forces design decisions such as loading "heavy" media from eternal URLS (undermining portability), creating huge single-SCO modules in order to manage the navigation between modules, and limits content caching by the user's browser.
* The SCORM API does not include question logic processing, although the IMS QTI standard may add that function in the future. Answers to questions and marking must be done on the client side and results sent to the LMS through the API. The question of spoofing a server with false grade data has not been addressed by SCORM, although a secure connection (HTTPS) is often used in high-stakes testing. Simple HTML formatted quizzes reveal correct answers via viewing the source- the onus is on the developer to ensure integrity, and using binary data streams of AMFPHP should address that.
==Installing AMFPHP in Moodle==
* Download the latest version of [ AMFPHP], currently version 1.9.beta (SourceForge repository).
* Unzip the file and find the directory amfphp.
* Upload the amfphp directory to ***MOODLEROOT***/lib/
===Edit gateway.php===
* Find the file ***MOODLEROOT***/lib/amfphp/gateway.php and open it in your favourite text/PHP editor
* At the beginning of the code, add the line: include_once "../../config.php";
* Find and edit the line: $gateway->setClassPath($servicesPath); and change it to: $gateway->setClassPath($CFG->dirroot."/lib/amfphp/services/");
* Upload the edited ***MOODLEROOT***/lib/amfphp/gateway.php file.
* That's it!
===Setting PHP 5 as Default===
Please note: AMFPHP requires PHP 5 to work seamlessly, although some report success with version 4.  Many servers run both PHP 4 and 5, but have them set to run PHP 4 by default. If you experience problems, you may have to change the default PHP version in the ***MOODLEROOT***/lib/amfphp/ directory with an .htaccess file. The following is an example only. Please check that it is correct for your server configuration. If you have a hosted server, they'll probably have an example in their help files. For example:
* Find the AMFPHP .htaccess file at ***MOODLEROOT***/lib/amfphp/.htaccess
* Open it with a text editor. You'll see:
<pre>#If you're working with a server which doesn't seem to display errors and you don't
#have access to httpd.conf and you have a good reason to develop remotely instead of
#locally, you may have luck with uploading this configuration file to the server
php_flag display_errors on
php_flag display_startup_errors on
php_value error_reporting 2047</pre>
* Add another line of code to change the default PHP version setting for the amfphp directory:
<pre>#If you're working with a server which doesn't seem to display errors and you don't
#have access to httpd.conf and you have a good reason to develop remotely instead of
#locally, you may have luck with uploading this configuration file to the server
php_flag display_errors on
php_flag display_startup_errors on
php_value error_reporting 2047
==Testing AMFPHP in Moodle==
Here is an example of a simple AMF Moodle service that checks the login status of your browser.
* Create a new document in your preferred text/PHP editor
* Copy and paste the code and save it as UserName.php
* Upload it to ***MOODLEROOT***/lib/amfphp/services/
Now is a good time to find out if your server is running the correct PHP version. If your server is running PHP 4 by default, you'll get error messages caused by the "public" namespace.
* Navigate to the PHP page you just uploaded in your browser: ***MOODLEROOT***/lib/amfphp/services/UserName.php
* If there are no error messages then you can continue to the "Testing AMFPHP in Flash" section
class UserName
public function __construct()
*checks whether you're logged in to Moodle
*@returns user login status
    function loggedInAs() {
        global $USER;
        if (isguestuser()){
            return get_string('loggedinasguest', 'moodle');
        }else if (isloggedin()){
            return get_string('loggedinas', 'moodle', fullname($USER));
        } else {
            return get_string('loggedinnot');
==Testing AMFPHP in Flash==
Please note: Flash CS3 and Flex come with the necessary classes for using AMFPHP already installed. It is not necessary to install any new classes!
* Open the Flash CS3 IDE
* Create a new ActionScript 3.0 class document
* Copy and past the code below and save it as
* Create a new ActionScript 3.0 FLA document
* In Properties > Document class: type
* Save the FLA file as UserName.fla  in the same directory as
* Publish the UserName.swf, AC_RunActiveContent.js and UserName.html files
* Upload the published files to your server
* In your browser, navigate to the location of the UserName.html page
* Try logging in and out of Moodle to see the change in your login status
===ActionScript 3.0 Document Class===
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.*;
public class UserName extends Sprite {
private var _format:TextFormat;
private var _display:TextField;
private var _call:Sprite;
private var _gateway:NetConnection;
private var _responder:Responder;
public function UserName() {
// create text format object
private function initFormat():void {
_format = new TextFormat();
_format.font = "Trebuchet MS";
_format.size = 15;
_format.bold = true;
// create text field to display results
private function initDisplay():void {
_display = new TextField();
_display.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
_display.multiline = true;
_display.x = 10;
_display.y = 10;
_display.defaultTextFormat = _format;
_display.text = "Click on \"Call UserName.php\" to test.";
// create text button to call UserName.php
private function initCall():void {
_call = new Sprite();
_call.mouseChildren = false;
_call.buttonMode = true;
_call.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, callDownHandler);
var btn:TextField = new TextField();
btn.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
btn.border = true;
btn.background = true;
btn.backgroundColor = 0xdddddd;
btn.defaultTextFormat = _format;
btn.text = " Call UserName.php ";
btn.x = (stage.stageWidth - btn.width) - 10;
btn.y = stage.stageHeight - 30;
// depress call button and call UserName.loggedInAs method
private function callDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
_call.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, callDownHandler);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, callUpHandler);
_call.x += 2;
_call.y += 2;"UserName.loggedInAs",_responder);
_display.appendText("\n  Calling UserName.loggedInAs ... ");
// reset call button
private function callUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
_call.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, callDownHandler);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, callUpHandler);
_call.x -= 2;
_call.y -= 2;
// connect to AMFPHP gateway
private function initGateway():void {
_gateway = new NetConnection();
// Edit the following line to reflect your server configuration
_gateway.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
_responder = new Responder(onResult,onFault);
// show returned results
private function onResult(res:Object):void {
_display.appendText("\n  " + String(res));
// show details if call is unsuccessful
private function onFault(res:Object):void {
for(var i:String in res) {
_display.appendText("\n  " + String(res[i]));
// show all net status events (can be status or error events)
function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
for(var i:String in {
_display.appendText("\n" + String([i]));
==AMF Moodle Service Library==
===AMFPHP Service Browser===
AMFPHP 1.9.beta comes with a Flex service browser ready installed. It allows you to see your library of services in the ***MOODLEROOT***/lib/amfphp/services/ directory and call them. It also displays error messages very well. It's an ideal tool for checking out your services before your write Flash and Flex applications that call them.
DO NOT leave the service browser installed on a production server (i.e. public). It will leave your service library and therefore your Moodle API and databases exposed to the public!
===List Of AMF Moodle Services===
* User.php - returns user login status, returns an array of config settings you can set, returns a value of a config setting, sets a value of a config setting
* UserName.php - returns user login status
==User.php Updated==
If you've already seen the tutorials in [[Development:AMFPHP]], here's an updated version of User.php that works with AMFPHP 1.9.beta. As with UserName.php, upload it tothe services directory at ***MOODLEROOT***/lib/amfphp/services/. You can test it by navigating to ***MOODLEROOT***/lib/amfphp/browser/index.html and selecting User from the menu of services.
===User.php Script===
class User
public function __construct()
    * Returns string indicating whether a user is logged in.
    * @access remote
    function loggedInAs() {
        global $USER;
        if (isguestuser()){
            return get_string('loggedinasguest', 'moodle');
        }else if (isloggedin()){
            return get_string('loggedinas', 'moodle', fullname($USER));
        } else {
            return get_string('loggedinnot');
    * Returns an array of config settings you can set.
    * @access remote
    function configSettings() {
        return array_keys(get_user_preferences());
    * Returns a value of a config setting.
    * @param string name
    * @access remote
    function getConfigSetting($name) {
        $name = clean_param($name, PARAM_ALPHAEXT);
        return get_user_preferences($name);
    * sets a value of a config setting.
    * @param string name
    * @param string value
    * @access remote
    function setConfigSetting($name, $value) {
        $name = clean_param($name, PARAM_ALPHAEXT);
        $value = clean_param($value, PARAM_NOTAGS);
        return set_user_preference($name, $value);
==Useful Links==
* AMFPHP home page []
* AMFPHP code repository []
===Sir Lee Brimelow's video tutorials===
* [ Introduction to AMFPHP 1]
Learn how to install AMFPHP and create a simple service that sends email.
* [ Introduction to AMFPHP 2]
In this tutorial he shows you how to directly return database records to Flash using AMFPHP.
===Alessandro Crugnola's tutorials===
* [ Flex RemoteObject and AMFPHP 1.9]
* [ Send and Receive ByteArray to AMFPHP]
===AMF Moodle===
* [ AMF Moodle]
* [ Moodle Forums - AMF Moodle discussion thread]
===Adobe ActionScript 3.0 Language Reference===
The two most important classes related to AMFPHP are:
* [ NetConnection class]
* [ Responder class]
===AMFPHP Is Fast===
There's always someone who'll play with a new toy and push it until it breaks. AMFPHP can go pretty fast!  [ Check out this blog article].

Latest revision as of 14:31, 23 October 2008

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