Legacy course files

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Note: This page only applies to sites which have been upgraded from Moodle 1.9.

In Moodle 2.0 onwards, files are stored in separate areas, rather than together in the course files area. When a site is upgraded from 1.9, the course files area is renamed 'Legacy course files'. By default, this area is not available in new courses.

It is recommended that teachers make use of repositories for storing course files, rather than saving them in the legacy course files area.

Enabling legacy course files areas

To enable a legacy course files area in a new course

  1. Enable the legacy course files repository plugin in Site administration > Plugins > Repositories > Common repository settings by checking the legacyfilesinnewcourses box in the Manage repositories common settings then click the 'Save changes' button.
  2. Set 'Legacy course files' to Yes in the course settings.

A legacy course files link will then appear in the Administration > Course administration area.

Repository capabilities

The capabilities Use course files repository plugin and Manage files are both required for users to access the legacy course files area.


Can you find out disk volume of legacy files?

No. You will need a custom report of some kind. See http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=201601

Where are legacy files stored?

For one explanation, see http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=164544

If you are looking to add files to the course (such as for testing). Go to 'Administration > Course administration > Legacy course files' in your course (with all the appropriate settings set as mentioned above). You can upload and delete files here.

Is there a way to delete legacy files en masse?

No, see MDL-36008.

Is there a way to prevent new additions to legacy files?

Yes. Unchecking Allow adding to legacy course files in Site Administration > Plugins > Repositories > Common repository settings will prevent users from adding new files and directories to legacy course files, but they will still be able to delete files.

What happens if you switch legacy files off in a site that has been upgraded and has a lot of legacy files?


Can you migrate a course from 1.9 to 2+ and NOT end up with a legacy files repository?

Yes, you can. If you restore as a Teacher into the course you're currently present in (best if it's empty) and don't override any settings then the Legacy Files will not be added as a Repository.

What happens to the Legacy files in a course imported from 1.9 to 2.x that is re-imported into another 2.x?

In backups, are legacy files included with a course?


What happens if legacy files were previously enabled and then the legacy course files repository is disabled?

Legacy course files are displayed if they have ever been enabled on the course, but can be disabled at the course level in the course settings. Any new courses created will not have a legacy course files area.