Tools zur Barrierefreiheit: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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==Nutzung durch Trainer/innen==
==Nutzung durch Trainer/innen==
In your course, add the Accessibility review block and click the "Submit for analysis" button. After some minutes, you’ll see the results of the analysis. Please note that the first time that you run the analysis is not immediate. You can also run the analysis from the Edit cog
Trainer/innen können in ihrem Kurs den Block [[Barrierefreiheit prüfen]] hinzufügen und auf den Button ''Zur Analyse einreichen''. Nach einigen Minuten wird das Ergebnis der Prüfung angezeigt.
" button. After some minutes, you’ll see the results of the analysis. Please note that the first time that you run the analysis is not immediate. You can also run the analysis from the Edit cog

It includes the automated analysis of these requested Moodle course against a set of common accessibility rules, checking the content inside all of Moodle’s core activities. The Accessibility Toolkit then generates reports of all detected accessibility errors, which can also be broken down by type of content or type of activity. This provides insights to educators and organisations on the overall accessibility of their courses and the areas that should be improved.
It includes the automated analysis of these requested Moodle course against a set of common accessibility rules, checking the content inside all of Moodle’s core activities. The Accessibility Toolkit then generates reports of all detected accessibility errors, which can also be broken down by type of content or type of activity. This provides insights to educators and organisations on the overall accessibility of their courses and the areas that should be improved.

Version vom 18. Juni 2021, 11:18 Uhr

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Moodle 3.11 kann das Brickfield Accessibility Starter Toolkit einbinden, um Sie bei der Erstellung von barrierefreien Kursebn zu unterstützen.

Dieser Artikel erklärt, wie Sie die Tools verwenden können. Wenn Sie Informationen zur Enterprise-Version des Toolkits suchen, besuchen Sie die Brickfield Education Labs Website.

Das Toolkit ermöglicht es Trainer/innen und Administrator/innen, die Barrierefreiheit der Moodle-Site und der Kursinhalte zu prüfen und Fehler zu identifizieren.

Es gibt eine grafische Anzeige der Fehler und einen Bericht mit der Auflistung aller Fehler. Die Moodle-Administration muss sich zunächst bei Brickfield registrieren und anschließend das Plugin in der Moodle-Site aktivieren.

Tools zur Barrierefreiheit in Moodle 3.11


From the Site administration panel, Moodle admins will find the Accessibility Toolkit under Admin tools in the Plugins section. The Accessibility Toolkit pages all initially redirect to the registration page, which needs to be submitted with a set of keys, an API key and a secret key, which are generated for you, once you have registered on the Brickfield registration portal.

Accessibility registration page

Systemweite Einstellungen

Der Zweck der Tools ist die Prüfung der Barrierefreiheit von Webseiten. Die Moodle-Administration kann die Tools auf der Seite Website-Administration > Plugins > Dienstprogramme > Barrierefreiheit > Tool-Einstellungen zur Barrierefreiheit konfigurieren und aktivieren .


Nutzung durch Trainer/innen

Trainer/innen können in ihrem Kurs den Block Barrierefreiheit prüfen hinzufügen und auf den Button Zur Analyse einreichen. Nach einigen Minuten wird das Ergebnis der Prüfung angezeigt.

" button. After some minutes, you’ll see the results of the analysis. Please note that the first time that you run the analysis is not immediate. You can also run the analysis from the Edit cog

It includes the automated analysis of these requested Moodle course against a set of common accessibility rules, checking the content inside all of Moodle’s core activities. The Accessibility Toolkit then generates reports of all detected accessibility errors, which can also be broken down by type of content or type of activity. This provides insights to educators and organisations on the overall accessibility of their courses and the areas that should be improved.

Once a course has been analysed, any ongoing updates or edits or additions within the course will also be analysed automatically, being triggered by Moodle's event observers / callbacks.

Berichte für den Kurs

The Accessibility Toolkit link to its reports is accessed via a course's Actions menu (Boost theme) or via the course administration block (Classic theme). It can also be accessed via the accessibility review block, if this has been added to the course.

The Accessibility Toolkit provides a number of reports, to display the detected accessibility errors:

  • Error list with direct links, which makes it really easy to navigate to their location and fix them.
  • Activity breakdown, showing pass ratios per activity
  • Content types, showing error counts per type of content
  • Summary report, showing a summary of the other reports combined
Accessibility summary report

Berichte für die Moodle-Site

From Site Administration / Plugins tab / Admin Tools / Accessibility / Reports the administrator can access the site reports generated by the Accessibility Toolkit.

The Accessibility Toolkit provides a number of reports, to display the detected accessibility errors:

  • Error list with direct links, which makes it really easy to navigate to their location and fix them.
  • Activity breakdown, showing pass ratios per activity
  • Content types, showing error counts per type of content
  • Summary report, showing a summary of the other reports combined

This is a global-site report, provided data is from the whole site, not for each course. If you need more specific information about a course, go to the course Accessibility Toolkit.



Trainer/innen können einen speziellen Block auf der Kursseite hinzufügen und den Kurs zur Prüfung einreichen. Nach der Prüfung zeigt der Block nützliche Informationen zur Barrierefreiheit des Kurses an. Siehe Barrierefreiheit prüfen für mehr Informationen.

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