Development:Anonymous Users

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 09:06, 30 April 2009 by Shane Elliott (talk | contribs)


Note: This page is a work-in-progress. Feedback and suggested improvements are welcome. Please join the discussion on or use the page comments.

Template:Moodle 2.0


To allow users to switch into an anonymous mode when using certain activities eg when posting to a forum, so that the user's real identity cannot be ascertained by other non-privileged users.

The anonymity of the activity will depend upon:

  1. Module settings;
  2. User profile settings


There are 3 possible scenarios for an activity:

  1. Teacher sets an activity to run in "Anonymous Mode". Using the example of a forum, all users who post to the forum will do so anonymously;
  2. Teacher sets an activity to run in "Optional Anonymous Mode". In this scenario moodle will check the user settings to see if they have enabled anonymity;
  3. Teacher sets an activity as "Not Anonymous".

User Profile

Proposed new settings in a user's profile:

Field Type Description
anonymous_name text User can enter an anonymous name they would like to use. This field may be disabled depending on global settings

Core Code

Activity Modules