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===Can you find out disk volume of legacy files?===
===Can you find out disk volume of legacy files?===
UnsureThere is a disk space report, but it gives the total of files in each course, and a total volume of disk space. (Site admin >  . .)  However, this does not say anything about what else is there (like trash, provate files and backups) See http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=201601
NoYou will need a custom report of some kind.  See http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=201601

===Where are legacy files stored?===
===Where are legacy files stored?===

Revision as of 01:26, 16 July 2012

Note: This page only applies to sites which have been upgraded from Moodle 1.9.

In Moodle 2.0 onwards, files are stored in separate areas, rather than together in the course files area. See Course files for a detailed explanation. When a site is upgraded from 1.9, the course files area is renamed 'Legacy course files'. By default, this area is not available in new courses.

It is recommended that teachers make use of the new repositories in Moodle 2.0 for storing course files, rather than saving them in the legacy course files area.

Enabling legacy course files areas

To enable a legacy course files area in a new course

  1. Enable the legacy course files repository plugin in Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Repositories > Manage repositories.
  2. Check the legacyfilesinnewcourses box in the Manage repositories common settings then click the 'Save changes' button.
  3. Set 'Legacy course files' to Yes in the course settings.

A legacy course files link will then appear in the Settings > Course administration area.

Repository capabilities

The capabilities Use course files repository plugin and Manage files are both required for users to access the legacy course files area.


Can you find out disk volume of legacy files?

No. You will need a custom report of some kind. See http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=201601

Where are legacy files stored?

For one explanation, see http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=164544

Is there a way to delete legacy files en mass?

Probably not.

What happens if you switch legacy files off in a site that has been upgraded and has a lot of legacy files?


Can you migrate a course from 1.9 to 2+ and NOT end up with a legacy files repository?

Unclear. See

In backups, are legacy files included with a course?

Seems to be the case: http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=194981

Long term, will there be any problem keeping a large number of Legacy files?

Possibly if you want to import (as opposed to restore) you may lose legacy files. See

Also see