curriculum mapping

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 16:14, 10 February 2009 by Lee Trampleasure (talk | contribs) (added section on Moodle component)

What is curriculum mapping?

"Curriculum mapping" is a tool that many schools are using to record class curriculum.

This page, at this time, is just a "stub" that others can add to as we brainstorm what we would like Moodle to do.

A Moodle Curriculum Mapping component?

There is currently no component for Moodle designed for curriculum mapping. This page is dedicated towards spawning the development of such a component.

Basic roles of a Moodle curriculum mapping component

Note: Not all teachers who are mapping will be using Moodle for their courses. Also, it is important that the curriculum mapping module be accessible to teachers and administrators other than the teacher whose course is being mapped.

Components for teacher input

  • Allow teachers to enter brief descriptions of each unit of their class.
  • A field for keywords (probably linked from a set of standard keywords).
  • The ability to include the approximate time duration of the unit.
  • The ability to check off which of the required "state standards" (a list provided by the school/government of the curriculum to be covered by the course).
  • The ability to enter the grade level of the class, and multiple grade levels for some classes.

Search components

  • The ability for an administrator or parent to see "what should Janie be learning now in her [input subject] class?
  • The ability for a teacher to ask "what classes besides mine are covering [input keyword/topic]?

Components for reports

  • The ability to generate a calendared report of topics covered.

Back-end requirements

  • The ability to import "state standards" (a list provided by the school/government of the curriculum to be covered by the course).