Adding/editing roles

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 12:02, 18 October 2006 by chris collman (talk | contribs) (→‎Permissions: edit intro)

Template:Moodle 1.7Moodle 1.7 allows the administrator to add or edit existing roles available on the Moodle site. This is done through the Administration block>>User>>Permission>>Define roles menu area.

Define roles

There are 3 tabs on the define role page.

Manage roles

The place to add and define permissions for a new role, or edit name and/or permissions associated with existing Moodle roles.

Allow role assignments

A matrix which determines which role can assign users to other roles.

Allow role overrides

A matric which determines which role can override a previously assigned role. The default is that only an administrator can override any role assigned by another role.


The permissions matrix allows a very granular approach to assigning rights to a role (a class of users). Assigning or editing permissions should be done with great care. A change can produce a profound unwanted effect, or an annoying effect that will be hard to understand the cause.

There are over 150 lines of capabilities where any of 4 different permissions can be assigned. The capabilities are grouped in 21 catagories. Here is the top of the list.

Examples of roles

Why would a site want different roles? Consider

*Site Designers *Educational Authority Adviser *Educational Inspector
*Second Marker / Moderator *Peer observer of teaching *External Examiner
*Parent *Manager *Weekly Seminar Leader
*Mentor/Mentee *Community-Designed Rating Criteria *Visitor
*Guest Speaker *Former Student *Alumnus
*Librarian *Teacher *Community Education Tutors/Trainers
*Secretary/Student Worker *Teaching Assistant *Student - FERPA rights
*Help Desk

See Also

Assign roles User Policies