Sookooroo module

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 22:02, 14 September 2012 by Itamar Tzadok (talk | contribs)

The Sookooroo module allows a course manager to add a link to a Sookooroo virtual room in a course section.


  • Course participants can access the virtual room without signing up on the Sookooroo website.
  • Moodle pictures of users who are in the room are displayed both on the course page and in the virtual room.
  • Guests can access to the virtual room when the course is open to guests. Guests are assigned unique keys and obtain distinct identities in the virtual room.
  • Users with capability sookooroo:moderator are identified as such in the virtual room (defaults to editingteacher and manager roles).
  • The same room can be linked from different moodle courses (as well as from outside moodle).


Git clone



  • Website id: ...
  • Room id: ...
  • Button text: ...
File:Sample screen shot
Title of screenshot

Tips and tricks

See also