Development:Quiz report enhancements: Difference between revisions

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There should be a link back to the overview analysis report.
There should be a link back to the overview analysis report.

(Note: I have a Word document that has examples of how we want this to look for various question types, but I don't think it adds much, so I have not copied it here.)
(Note: I have a Word document that has examples of how we want this to look for various question types, but I don't think it adds much, so I have not copied it here. Also, there is an implementation decision to make about how much control we give individual question types about how their responses are analysed.)

===Calculation details===
===Calculation details===

Revision as of 17:14, 1 February 2008

This document describes a package of work relating to the quiz reports that we (The Open University) hope to outsource. Please discuss this proposal in this forum thread.

Note, this document is not quite complete yet (the incomplete sections are marked).

The work falls into four areas: improvements to the Item Analysis report; improvements to the Overview report; improvements to the Regrade report; and general improvements and bug fixing. Some of the general improvements may be necessary to enable the other two tasks to be done. The remainder are things that it would be nice to have fixed while this code is being worked on to improve the long-term maintainability, providing that does not add too much to the development cost.

The Open University uses the four standard quiz reports, and the third-party Detailed Responses report. (If, as a result of this work, the Detailed responses report becomes reliable enough, we may move it back into core Moodle.)

All the work done must conform to our general requirements for outsourced work. We would like all this work contributed directly into Moodle 2.0, as well as provided to us as a patch we can apply against our own Moodle, which is currently Moodle 1.9 with customisations.

Improvements to the Item Analysis report

Part of the purpose of this work is to replicate the "Early warning test" from the OU's venerable paper-based CMA system.

I propose that we break up the current item analysis report into two separate bits, and overview for the whole quiz, and then drill-down into the details for each question.

Item analysis overview

This section is not finished yet.

This lists all the questions, with one row per question giving the summary statistics for that question. This is roughly the outer columns of the existing Item analysis report. To be more specific, we want the report to have these columns:

Q# Number of question within quiz, followed by question type icon, question preview icon, and question edit icon.
Question text The question text.
#Attempts The number of students who submitted an answer to this question.
... Various statistics, see the calculation section below.

Questions that appear to be performing particularly badly (Discrimination coefficient below XXX? perhaps other conditions too?) should be highlighted. We don't yet have a clear picture what constitutes 'particularly badly', so structure the code so that it is clear which part you need to tweak to change this. For example, have a function is_dubious_question($row_of_data).

Our "Early warning test" generate a graph like this showing the discrimination coefficient of each question.

Quiz report enhancements descrim.png

We want a graph like this at the bottom of the report.

Drill down to a detailed analysis of a particular question

Each question in the overview analysis report should be a link to a more detailed analysis of that question. This is basically the middle columns of the existing Item analysis report that show all the teacher's model answers, and all the variants of answers that students typed, with scores and percentages.

Beneath the details for a particular question, if the question is used in other quizzes (that the current user has reports access to) then we should provide cross links the detailed analysis of this question in those quizzes too. This effectively solves MDL-8974. (We may want to consider adding these links somewhere in the question bank interface too.)

At the top, we should have the question text, and the single row of statistics relating to this question from the analysis overview.

There should be a link back to the overview analysis report.

(Note: I have a Word document that has examples of how we want this to look for various question types, but I don't think it adds much, so I have not copied it here. Also, there is an implementation decision to make about how much control we give individual question types about how their responses are analysed.)

Calculation details

I am putting details of the calculations on a separate page Development:Quiz_item_analysis_calculations as that page may be able to evolve into user documentation in the future.

Implementation of these calculations should be prime candidates for unit testing. I think in the code, we should try to separate

  • Extracting the necessary data from the database
  • Doing the calculations
  • Displaying the results to users

However, we need to do it in a way that does not just load all the data into memory at once and crash the server!

Performance considerations

This report has to perform a lot of expensive calculations. Instead of re-computing this every time the report is viewed, we probably need to cache the computed values in a separate database table. This would rely on one of the general improvements described below.

At the top of the report, there should be a message, "This reports shows data computed at date and time. Since then XX more attempts have been completed." With a 'Recompute now' button.

Other minor improvements

Implement this suggestion: MDL-8464 In the item analysis report, give teachers an icon to edit the question. Do this in both the overview and drill-down view.

Export options

It should be possible to export/print the entire report.

The summary table should be exportable as XLS/ODS/CSV.

The detailed analysis of every single question should be downloadable in a single XLS/ODS/CSV.

Finally there should be a HTML view showing the summary table first, followed by the detailed analysis of every question. This view should also include the graph shown on the Overview report.

Improvements to the Overview report

Add group and course averages

Like for the gradebook reports, we should add a row showing the average over all students in the course (even if the current user is only allowed to see one group). And for a quiz in group mode, add another row above that giving group averages. These averages should match the ones in the gradebook, that is, they should be averages of the students' final scores, not the individual attempt scores.

Make it clear which student attempt gives the final grade

Like on the quiz view page, where a student has made multiple attempts, highlight the one that gives the final score, if the scoring method is first, last or highest score. Perhaps it would be useful to add an option to only show/export the 'final score' attempts.

Add the same highlighting/option to the detailed responses report.

Add a summary graph

Our "Early warning test" (see above) generates a graph like this showing score frequencies for all students: Quiz report enhancements historgram.png

It should be possible to produce a graph like this using graphlib.php, and a single database query, so I think we should, and display it after the results table. It should count the number of attempts with a score in each of an appropriate number of score brackets, depending on the quiz total score.

Add a column for the user's idnumber, controllable by a site-wide setting

New 22nd Jan 2008

Add a site-wide configuration option "Show idnumber in quiz reports", defaulting to No. (Or maybe just use the existing setting grade_report_showuseridnumber in the Gradebook grader report settings.)

Change the overview report and the detailed responses report so that if this setting is turned on, you get an additional column containing each user's idnumber.

Improvements to the Regrade report

At the moment, if you follow a link to the regrade report, it immediately does a regrade. This is dangerous. We want more control. This is MDL-5519. Completing this work should also deal with MDL-3032.

The workflow we would like to see for regrading is:

1. When you go to the regrade report, it should just show some introductory instructions and some controls for selecting particular users and/or questions. By default, it should be set up so that all users and questions are selected. There are then two buttons: 'Dry run' and 'Regrade'

2. If the 'Dry run' button is pressed, it does a pretend regrade of the selected questions for the selected users. This does not change anything in the database, instead it just tells you what would change if you did a regrade for real. The gives you further controls so that you can easily select a subset of the users and/or questions included in the dry run. In addition, the main controls from step 1 are also shown again so you can change things and do another 'Dry run'.

3. Clicking the 'Regrade' button actually performs the regrade, displaying what has been changed like in the dry run. This display should be more understandable than the one the regrade report currently provides.

General improvements and bug fixing

The quiz reports have not been substantially revised since at least Moodle 1.6. This means the conversion to roles and capabilites was somewhat superficial, and the interface has not been converted to formslib. Elsewhere in Moodle there have been improvements that these reports could benefit from, for example the moodle_url class, and some of the features implemented for the new gradebook reports in 1.9.

Bringing the quiz reports up to the standard expected in Moodle 1.9/2.0 would greatly simplify long-term maintenance of these reports, and so reduce costs long term. The will also mean that people who learn how to write Gradebook reports will then easily be able to write Quiz reports, and vice versa.

On the other hand, not all of these requirements are critical to the OU, so please provide a separate estimate for each one. Then we will decide which ones we actually want to include in the outsourcing contract.

Enhance how quiz reports work to match recent developments in the gradebook

In Moodle 1.9, gradebook reports are fully-featured plugins with a db folder, so they can create tables if they need to store their own data, or define capabilities. Also there is a nice mechanism that allows gradebook reports to add configuration settings to the admin tree, and they use get/set_user_preferences to store users' options for viewing the reports (perhaps some of these preferences, like records per page, should be shared between the reports). We would like quiz reports enhanced so quiz report developers have the same facilities available.

Switch to using formslib and improve the interface

The current user interface for controlling the reports is not very well thought out, so don't just reproduce the existing interface using formslib. Devise a new one by thinking about what teachers actually want to achieve using there reports, and which is as consistent as possible between reports.

Switch to using moodle_url

This quiz reports are prime candidates for using moodle_url to clean up the code and eliminate uses of $SESSION.

Refactoring opportunities

There is some common functionality between reports, for example the interface and SQL for determining which users' attempts are included in the reports. This could usefully be moved into a mod/quiz/report/lib.php file, or something similar.

Most of the reports have parallel code paths with very similar code to do the on-screen display and the export to different formats. We should really improve tablelib so that this sort of duplicate code was not necessary.

Developer documentation

Having worked on these reports, you will probably know more about quiz reports than anyone else, so please write the docs page Development:How to write a quiz report plugin.

Performance testing

The Open University has 400,000 users and 3,000 courses in its database. Our largest courses have around 5,000 students, often in groups of about 20 (so up to 250 groups on a course). Naturally some operations may be slow, but all operations should scale to this sort of sized dataset. (Naturally our hardware is quite powerful to help cope with this.)

[ CONTRIB-183 Detailed responses report does not cope with lots of data] is one instance of this.

Perhaps one change we should make it to use get_recordsets, instead of get_records, where possible in the reports, to reduce memory requirements, particularly when exporting large datasets.

[ MDL-7772] Not all combinations of "Show ..." and Groups settings work properly in the overview report

The bug has plenty of details of the various cases, and what they should mean.

This is one of the places that may need more thought since Roles and capabilities were introduced in Moodle 1.7. (At the moment, the quiz considers someone a 'Student' if they have the mod/quiz:attempt capability.)

Similar controls appear on some of the other reports. These need to be tested and fixed too.

[ MDL-12418] Problems with quiz item analysis and TeX-filter

This is just a bug and needs to be fixed. MDL-12258 is probably the same issue and needs to be fixed too. There is some useful discussion in MDL-12369.

[ MDL-12547] Manual grading report does not take any notice of groups

It would be useful if group mode could be added to this report. The bug has a proposed fix from Karlene Clapp, which needs to reviewed before being checked in.

[ MDL-12392] Manual grading report does not recognise global role assignments of students

Similar to MDL-7772.

OU VLE general requirements for outsourcing

(Copied from our internal wiki 3rd December 2007.)

  • Code must be developed against the Moodle 1.9 release version.
  • The contractor should do a design describing, where applicable, any
    • database changes
    • capabilities will be created/used to control access to different features
    • interface mock-ups
    • APIs
    • file formats

This must be agreed with the Open University before proceeding to implementation. (It does not have to be a long document. If the feature being developed is very simple then the design might also be very brief.)

  • The Moodle coding guidelines must be followed. In particular, the development must use:
    • PHP QuickForm (introduced in Moodle 1.8) rather than the old HTML forms.
    • Capabilities (from the role/capability system introduced in Moodle 1.7) to control access to features, rather than isteacher() etc.
    • XMLDB install scripts for database tables.
    • Language files rather than hard-coded strings (except for error messages that are not expected to appear to users under normal circumstances; these can be hard-coded if desired).
    • Additional libraries, beyond those already included in the moodle code base, can only be used if this is agreed with the Open University in advance. The new libraries be placed in the main lib directory rather than within the developed solution. Where suitable functionality already exists within the moodle code base, those libraries should be used in preference new ones, to reduce long-term maintenance and support costs.
    • Any customization of the moodle user interface should be contained within the developed solution unless agreed in advance with the Open University.
  • The code must be delivered as a patch in standard (universal) format that applies to Moodle 1.9. (This does not preclude the changes being committed directly to the Moodle CVS repository too.)
    • the patch should be minimal. That is, it should not change things like whitespace in parts of a file that were not otherwise touched.
    • If multiple outsourced tasks affect the same area of code then they can be combined into one patch, or the order of application should be noted.
    • Patches should be checked against a current CVS version Moodle 1.9.x+ (MOODLE_19_STABLE) installation (to make sure they at least apply successfully) before handover.
  • In addition to the code, we also require a functionality document that describes how the code works. This will be used by our testers, and as a basis for user documentation. Normally, this will be very close to the original specification, but where things changed during implementation, the functionality document needs to be updated. This is in addition to the normal Moodle help-files that should be included in the code.