VideoTime pro version advanced doc

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1. Extended activity completion support

In one Sentence:

Require the student to watch the video for a certain duration and/or until a certain point to complete the activity.

Objective / Added value:

When your Moodle courses include videos as a pedagogical activity, it makes sense to be sure students watch a significant part of the whole video duration. Main point is to be sure student has indeed watched a specific part or topic of video or spent enough time on watching it.

This kind of control is built-in in Video Time plugin and completely integrated with Moodle’s regular tools allowing to measure any student engagement in course (including Completion status but also grade books).

How To:

This is a 2 steps procedure;

  • Step 1: Activate at site level.
First at all you have to allow completion tracking at site level. => Site administration > Advanced features > Enable completion tracking (check enabled)
How to enable completion at site level
For more info about completion, read Moodle Doc; Course completion settings
  • Step 2: Activate at course level
Then you have to do the same at course level. => Course settings > Activity completion (check enabled)
File:2.1.2 Enable Completion Course Level.png
How to enable completion at course level
Tip: For more ease, you can modify the default settings when creating new course. => Site administration > Courses > Course default settings.
File:2.1.3 New Course Default Settings.png
How to modify default global settings

2. Track viewing time

In one Sentence:

Use Video Time to track how long a student has watched the video.

Objective / Added value:

To finalize videos-based course completion status, you need additional criteria to be measured to tell Moodle how has student performed watching videos?

Note: This assume your only criteria for course completion is related to video watching, and you do not consider any other activity.

How To:

This is also a 2 steps procedure;

  • Step 1: Activate at activity level.
First at all you have to allow completion tracking at activity level and you have to do so on every activity/video which needs to be watch. => Activity > Activity completion > Completion tracking
Check option ‘Show activity as complete when conditions are met’
  • Step 2: Choose right criteria
Video Time offers you several different criteria. First is based on watch time for each video activity. => Activity > Activity completion > Completion tracking
In this case, check option ‘Completion on view time’ and type in field mandatory quantity of watch time in seconds.
File:2.2 Completion-in-Seconds.png
How to setup completion watching criteria with seconds parameter

3. Track watch percentage

In one Sentence:

Use Video Time to track until which point the student has watched the video.

Objective / Added value:

‘Watch percentage’ is the second criteria which can be used to measure and tell Moodle how has student performed watching videos?

How To:

The only thing to do is to change your selected criteria and tell Moodle what’s your threshold in percent. => Activity > Activity completion > Completion tracking
In this case, check option ‘Completion on watch percentage’ and type in field mandatory quantity of watch time in percent.
File:2.3 Completion-in-Percents.png
How to setup completion watching criteria with percentage parameter

4. Resume

In one Sentence:

Automatically resume where you left off last time.

Objective / Added value:

Sometimes student leaves a working session before entire completion of a video watching or switch from one activity to another. In this case it makes sense when coming back to restart automatically video watching exactly at same place when he left off previously.

How To:

Simply navigate to activity’s ‘General’ section and tick check box ‘Resume Playback’ beside on page after the Notes section. => Activity > Edit Settings > General Section
File:2.4 General Section Options.png
How general section parameters looks like

5. Next activity

In one Sentence:

Configure which activity should be viewed next; there's also an option to automatically proceed to that activity once the video is finished.

Objective / Added value:

If your course includes a lot of activities and topics, it could be useful to help your student to navigate in between and automate this navigation.

Video Time offers interesting navigation features;

  • First to select the 'next activity' target after current activity completion
  • Second to let student choose the time to go by pushing the 'Next activity button' or force an auto jump to selected next activity.

How To:

Simply navigate to activity’s General section => Activity > Edit Settings > General Section
Then according to your choice;
  1. Tick check box ‘Enable Next Activity Button’
  2. Choose the right activity in the drop-down list ‘Next activity’
  3. Tick check box ‘Automatically Go to Next Activity’ Button to automate the jump.
File:2.5 General Section Next Activity.png
How to activate auto jump to next activity

6. Prevent fast forwarding

In one Sentence:

Avoid that your students skip parts of the video.

Objective / Added value:

As mentioned earlier, one main point in learning process, is to be sure student has indeed watched a specific part or topic of video or spent enough time on watching it, and to monitor this. When monitoring, Moodle track if student goes to the end of activity and video files, with no care if student uses fast forwarding. If you want disable fast forwarding capacity for students and watchers visitors, Video Time offers you an option to disable fast forwarding within the video player.

How To:

Navigate to activity’s General section => Activity > Edit Settings > General Section
Then Tick check box ‘Prevent fast forwarding’
File:2.5 General Section Next Activity.png
How to prevent fast forwarding

7. Global Configuration

In one Sentence:

The site administrator can set defaults for most settings globally. It's also possible to enforce them.

Objective / Added value:

As you understood, there are a lot of parameters you may define in the activity ‘General section’ as a teacher for every video watching activity (Mode, Display options -columns, preview-, resume, and next activity navigation.) And this could be really time consuming. If you plan to use same options for all activities, you may be interested with ‘Global Configuration’ option. This allow you to preselect some parameters and also to re-apply those on all pre-existing settings (means settings you set previously on some videos activities).

How To:

Caution; This is a plugin level configuration and so requires admin rights. If you don’t, ask your site admin. => Site administration > Plugins > Plugins overview > Video Time Settings
For each default settings (Resume Payback, Enable Next Activity Button, Automatically Go To Next Activity…) you get two options;
  1. First defines if you want to use (or not) same settings set for all activity instances. Default is ‘No’. If you tick the check box, ‘No’ becomes ‘Yes’, and same setting will apply for any further activity you put in place
  2. Second defines if new settings have to be applied (forced) on any existing instance. Default is ‘No’. If you tick the check box, ‘No’ becomes ‘Yes’, and any existing instance will receive default settings set you defined here (Global settings override instance settings).
File:2.7 Global Config .png
How to modify global settings

8. In-activity (pro version)

In one Sentence:

Embed the Video Time player in other activities in your course and other parts of your Moodle site (e.g. the dashboard).

Objective / Added value:

Default use of Video Time plugin is to insert video as a regular Moodle activity on the course main page within any section (or sub section if applied). But with the ‘In-activity’ way of working you should be able to insert any video also in others Moodle containers and activities like, page, book, and so on… This feature is based upon Code Embedding with full integration in the text editor you use on any text field into your course. If activated, you will see appear the Video Time icon on your text editor tools banner.

File:2.8.0 VideoTime-Button on Atto.png
How the Video Time button in Atto text editor looks like

How To on Admin side:

Caution; This is a plugin level configuration and so requires admin rights. If you don’t, ask your site admin.
This feature is part of the Pro version and requires;
  • sub part of core plugin called 'Video Time Pro Filter (filter_videotime)' installed and activated.
  • sub part of core plugin called 'Video Time Pro Atto (atto_videotime)' installed and activated.
Those requirements are part of global plugin installation process (Read setup documentation VideoTime/Installation )

How To on Teacher / Course Editor side:

This is a 2 steps procedure;
  • Step 1: Open the selection tool from Atto toolbar.
From any location including a Text editor, push the Video Time icon button. This will open a new section window listing all videos already used within your course.
File:2.8.1 In-Activity.png
Use embedded button to select video
  • Step 2: Select the video you want to integrate and create embed code.
In this new selection window listing select any video already used within your course.
File:2.8.2 In-Activity Select.png
Select video in embedded listing
This will insert an embed code in text field (no video yet in activity in editing mode).
File:2.8.3 In-Activity Result.png
How embed code looks like
Once saved, each time any student will open or view this activity, selected video will be loaded within a video player with all regular controls.
Note: Remember you cannot use this feature to embed a video which was not yet used into another part of your course.