Learning Tools

From MoodleDocs
Learning Tools
Type Local Plugin
Set N/A
Downloads https://moodle.org/plugins/local_learningtools (not yet published)
Issues https://github.com/bdecentgmbh/moodle-local_learningtools/issues
Maintainer(s) Stefan Scholz

About Learning Tools


The purpose of Learning Tools is to provide students tools to improve their learning experience. All tools are very easy to use and can be accessed from a unified interface, the floating button. This design is well known and a very common choice in apps.


The plugin is built with flexibility and modularity in mind. The foundation is the local plugin, which implements the management functionality and the unified interface in the form of the floating button. On top of the local plugin, we've created a new (sub) plugin type called "ltool". In the initial release, we're publishing ltool_boomarks and ltool_notes. In the future, we plan many more tools which improve the learning experience even more. Have a look at our roadmap to learn more!

Learning Tools sub plugins

List of ltools that are available and planned for Learning Tools.
Name Description Link Type
Bookmarks Create Bookmark Learning Tools/Bookmarks included
Notes Take notes Learning Tools/Notes included
Schedule Schedule an activity to "learn" later coming in version 0.2
Alert Inform your students about important news coming in version 0.2
Invite Enrol students easily via email address (in bulk) coming in version 0.2
Force activity Automatically redirect students to a specific activity until the activity is completed coming in version 0.2
... see our roadmap for a full list of additions we plan


For more detailed info how to install plugins in general, visit https://docs.moodle.org/401/en/Installing_plugins.

To install Learning Tools, you have three options:

Option 1: Install from Moodle.org


  1. Login as an admin and go to Site administration > Plugins > Install plugins. (If you can't find this location, then plugin installation is prevented on your site.)
  2. Click the button 'Install plugins from Moodle plugins directory'.
  3. Search for "Learning Tools", click the Install button then click Continue.
  4. Confirm the installation request
  5. Check the plugin validation report
Option 2: Install from zip package
  1. Download Learning Tools from https://bdecent.de/product/learningtools
  2. Login to your Moodle site as an admin and go to Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Install plugins.
  3. Upload the ZIP file. You should only be prompted to add extra details (in the Show more section) if the plugin is not automatically detected.
  4. If your target directory is not writeable, you will see a warning message.
  5. Check the plugin validation report
Option 3: Install manually on server
  1. Download Learning Tools from https://bdecent.de/product/learningtools
  2. Rename the folder to "learningtools"
  3. Upload or copy it to your Moodle server.
  4. Unzip it in the `/local` directory. (the path should then look for example like this: https://yourmoodle.com/local/learningtools/version.php)
  5. In your Moodle site (as admin) go to Settings > Site administration > Notifications (you should, for most plugin types, get a message saying the plugin is installed).

Initial configuration

After the installation, the plugin is ready to use. The floating button will immediately show up for all authenticated users (guests and non-authenticated users can't use them).

Global settings

Learning Tools has a couple of global settings which can be accessed via at Site administration > Plugins > Local Plugins > Learning Tools

  • Notification display time — this defined the time that the notification is shown to the user after the user for example bookmarked a page
  • Learning Tools in user menu — syntax for adding tools to the user menu (see below)
  • Manage Learning Tools — on this page, you can enable/disable, sort and uninstall each tool

Adding Learning Tools to the user menu

In order to keep the floating button menu as simple as possible, we have only added the "action" (e.g. create a bookmark), but not the "list" (e.g. see all bookmarks). Instead, we tried to make Learning Tools as native as possible by adding them on the user profile, following a design pattern used by core moodle (e.g. for forum posts or user related reports).

In addition, we think that the user menu is a great spot as well to provide access, too. That's why we've prepared the syntax for you, so that you can simply copy and paste it into the user menu. (we had initially automated that, but it felt to intrusive and would have potentially surprised some administrators, which is why we opted for this solution instead).

The user menu can be customised here: Site administration > Appearance > Themes > Theme settings > User menu items (or simply search for user menu).