StudentQuiz: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen
Zeile 68: | Zeile 68: | ||
===Fragenfilter=== | ===Fragenfilter=== | ||
Im obereren Bereich stehen diverse Filter zur Verfügung. Die Anwendung von Filtern wird notwendig, wenn viele Fragen in einem StudetQuiz zur Verfügung stehen. Neben den Schnellfilter-Schaltflächen finden sich viele weitere und miteinander kombinierbare Filter hinter dem Link "Mehr anzeigen...". | |||
Vor der Ausführung eines Quizzes sollte mittels Filter ein interessantes Fragen-Set selektiert werden. | |||
===Starten eines Quizzes=== | ===Starten eines Quizzes=== |
Version vom 12. August 2019, 13:40 Uhr
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Nachstehend finden sich die StudentQuiz-Anleitungen für Studierende, Lehrende und Administratoren.
StudentQuiz ist ein im offiziellen Moodle Plugin Directory geführtes Moodle Plugin. Während Lehrende in normalen Moodle Quizzes Fragen erstellen, die von den Studierenden beantwortet werden können, geht StudentQuiz einen Schritt weiter und ermöglicht Studierenden selber Fragen zu erstellen und miteinander zu teilen. Dabei erfüllt StudentQuiz gleich mehrere didaktische Ansprüche:
- Collaboration
- Auch wenn einzelne Studierende nur wenige Fragen erstellen, entstehen bei grösseren Gruppen schnell umfangreiche Fragesammlungen.
- Gamification
- Mit Bewertungspunkten fördert StudentQuiz eine möglichst hohen Qualität der Beiträge sowie den Lernerfolg jedes Studierenden.
- Constructivism
- Der Lerneffekt beim Erstellen von Fragen ist weit höher, als wenn diese nur beantwortet werden.
- Crowd-Sourcing
- Bewertungen und Kommentare der Gruppe automatisieren das Qulitätsmanagement.
Vielfältige Filter stehen bereit damit Studierende in grossen Fragesammlungen die Fragen bündeln können, mit denen sie aktuell lernen möchten.
Weiterhin können Lehrende Fragen moderieren, indem sie diese bestätigen oder ablehnen. Auch können Lehrende unpassende Fragen verstecken oder löschen.
Anleitung Studierende
StudentQuiz Aktivitäten finden Sie in Ihrem Moodlekurs, sofern ein Lehrender diese Aktivität angelegt hat. Diese Anleitung erklärt wie mit einer StudentQuiz Aktivität gelernt werden kann und wie Studierende eigene Fragen erstellen und mit ihrer Studiengruppe und den Lehrenden zusammenarbeiten.
Lernen mit StudentQuiz
Zugriff auf Studentquiz
Klicken Sie innerhalb eines Moodlekurses auf die StudentQuiz Aktivität. StudentQuiz Aktivitäten erkennen Sie an dem Icon.
StudentQuiz startet mit der Hauptansicht. Wurde noch keine Frage erstellt, so sehen Sie nur die Schaltfläche "Neue Frage erstellen". Siehe Zusammenarbeit mit der Gruppe zum Thema Frageerstellung.
Sind hingegen bereits Fragen vorhanden, so werden diese in der unteren Hälfte der Ansicht gelistet. Die Option weitere Fragen zu erstellen, bleibt dabei weiterhin verfügbar.
Mögliche Aktionen
Folgende Möglichkeiten stehen zur Verfügung:
- Erstellen einer neuen Frage via Schaltfläche “Neue Frage erstellen”
- Anwenden der Schnellfilter via deren Schaltflächen. Weiter Filter stehen mit dem Link "Mehr anzeigen..." zur Verfügung
- Selektieren bzw deselektieren einzelner Fragen via deren Check-Box links
- Starten eines Quizzes mit den selektierten Fragen via Schaltfläche "Quiz starten"
- Sortieren der Fragen durch Klick auf die jeweiligen Spalten-Überschriften
- Ansicht, Editieren oder Löschen eigener Fragen. Anmerkung: eine eigene Frage kann nicht mehr geändert werden, wenn sie bereits von einem Lehrer genehmigt oder abgelehnt wurde.
Die Tabelle dieser Ansicht stelle in den verschiedenen Spalten folgende Informationen bereit:
- Check-Box ermöglicht das Selektieren oder Deselektieren einer Frage.
- T steht für Typ und symbolisiert den Fragentyp, z.B. Multiple Choice oder Lückentext.
- S steht für Status und zeigt ob ein Lehrer die Frage genehmigt oder abgelehnt hat (✗ = abgelehnt, ✓ = genehmigt). Weitere Stati sind ⧠ = neue Frage ⭯ = veränderte Frage.
- Frage zeigt den Titel der Frage
- Aktionen (ohne Spalten-Überschrift) symbolisiert die situativ anwendbaren Aktionen (Ansicht, Editieren, Löschen)
- Erstellt von zeigt den Namen des Fragen-Autors sowie das Erstellungsdatum. Dieses Feld kann anonymisiert werden.
- Tags listet die zu einer Frage erfassten Tags
- Meine Versuche zeigt die Anzahl der vom Benutzer auf dieser Frage abgegebenen Antworten sowie ob die letzte Antwort korrekt oder inkorrekt war.
- Schwierigkeit zeigt die Schwierigkeit dieser Frage für den Benutzer an. Die Schwierigkeit berechnet sich anhand der abgegebenen Antworten und reicht von 0 (= alle bisherigen Antworten sind richtig bzw sehr einfach) bis 1 (= alle bisherigen Antworten sind falsch bzw sehr schwer). Die persönliche Schwierigkeit für den betrachtenden Benutzer wird durch gelbe Blitze symbolisiert. Der blaue Hintergrund hingegen symbolisiert die durchschnittliche Schwierigkeit anhand der Antworten aller Gruppenmitglieder.
- Bewertung symbolisiert die Bewertung der Frage von 1 Stern (= sehr gut) bis 5 Sterne (= sehr schlecht). Die vom betrachtenden Benutzer abgegebene Bewertung wird durch gelbe Sterne symbolisiert. Der blaue Hintergrund hingegen symbolisiert die durchschnittliche Bewertung aller Gruppenmitglieder.
- K steht für Kommentar und zeigt die Anzahl der zu dieser Frage gemachten Kommentare an.
Im obereren Bereich stehen diverse Filter zur Verfügung. Die Anwendung von Filtern wird notwendig, wenn viele Fragen in einem StudetQuiz zur Verfügung stehen. Neben den Schnellfilter-Schaltflächen finden sich viele weitere und miteinander kombinierbare Filter hinter dem Link "Mehr anzeigen...".
Vor der Ausführung eines Quizzes sollte mittels Filter ein interessantes Fragen-Set selektiert werden.
Starten eines Quizzes
As soon as you are happy with your question, selection hit the “Start Quiz” button. StudentQuiz will start a Quiz with the selected questions for you. You can now answer questions and navigate through the set of questions.
While answering questions you might be required to rate and comment questions. See rating a question to learn more about rating .See commenting a question to learn more about commenting.
Zusammenarbeit mit der Gruppe
As a student you can contribute in various ways to the question pool of the StudentQuiz Activity in your course.
- Add a new question
- Rate a question
- Comment a question
Eine Frage beisteuern
To create a question, use the “Create new question” button. You can select from a variety of questions types, however, the teacher can restrict the available question types. You find more information about how to create the different question types in the Moodle Documentation [1].
Eine Frage bewerten
If you practice on a question and the question is checked, it shows the answer and any feedback.
The first time you answer a question you will be asked to rate the question for its usefulness and suitability on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. Your teacher might have given you some guidance on what is considered to be a good question, but in the end it is you and your fellow students enrolled in the class that define the rating of the questions within StudentQuiz. The author of the question will receive ranking points based on your rating.
The yellow stars display your rating while the blue background displays the average number of stars given by your peer group.
The teacher can turn off the rating requirement. See reports to learn more about ranking points.
Eine Frage kommentieren
If you practice on a question and the question is checked, it shows the answer and any feedback.
You can discuss the solution or the question in the comments. The author of the question will receive an email notification about you comment. The teacher has the option to make commenting questions mandatory.
Students from your peer group will rate and comment your questions. The teacher might also evaluate your questions. StudentQuiz provides the following processes:
Evaluation von der Gemeinschaft
- Rating: The students from your peer group can rate your question after answering with stars (from 0 = very poor to 5 = very good). You are awarded with rating points for each star you're receiving from your peer group and the better the rating of your question, the more points you get. The blue background bar in the Rating column represents the average number of stars received by your peer group, while your own rating on your question appears as yellow stars. E.g.,
shows an average peer rating of about 2.8 stars, while the author assigned 4 stars to himself.
- Comment: The students from your peer group can comment your question. You will receive an email-notification with the comment. As the author, you might want to reply with another comment within this question. All participants of your peer group can see comments.
Evaluation von den Lehrenden
- Question State: A new question automatically receives the state "new". The teacher can alter the state of the question to "approve" or "disapprove". Once your question became approved or disapproved you cannot edit it anymore. If the teacher wants you to edit your question again, he/she can assign the "changed" state. As long as the question is in the state "new" or "changed" you can edit your question. In the following image Test Question 1 is in state "change", Test Question 2 in state "approved", Test Question 3 in state "disapproved", and Test Question 4 in state "new". Note that editing is not available for Questions 2 and 3.
- Question visibility: The teacher might hide your question if he/she does not want it to be seen by the members of your peer group. As the author, you can still see this question greyed out and you can continue to preview, edit or delete it, but you will not receive any ranking points as long as this question is hidden. The teacher might also delete your question. In this case, the question is not available anymore and will not receive any ranking points for it. In the following image, Test Question 5 is "hidden" and therefore greyed out. Only the author and the teacher can see it. In contrast, Question 5 is visible to all users.
Learning Assistance
The Learning Assistance gives you an overview of your contribution and learning progress.
The upper bar represents your learning progress. In the example below there are 13 questions in this StudentQuiz. Out of this you have answered 3 questions correctly, 2 questions incorrectly, and you have not yet provided an answer for 8 questions. Please note that you can answer a question multiple times, but only your last answer counts.
The lower bar represents your contribution progress. In the example below, you have contributed 4 questions to this StudentQuiz. Out of this 2 questions were approved by the teacher, 1 question was disapproved, and 1 question is still lacking an approval/disapproval by the teacher.
StudentQuiz also provides students with two different reports to compare yourself with your peer group. You can find the reports in the navigation:
The left column of the statistics report gives you an overview of your contribution and learning progress. For comparison, you see the averaged contribution and learning progress of your peer group in the right column.
The ranking table might motivate students to challenge each other. The ranking table explains the calculus of the ranking points. The sum of all your ranking points determines your rank within your peer group.
Anleitung Lehrende
Your Moodle administrator has installed the StudentQuiz Plugin to your school’s Moodle Website. This guide explains how to create and configure a StudentQuiz activity within a Moodle course, how you can encourage and moderate your students to contribute question to the question pool, what statistics you can draw from your students' activities and how you can recycle the question pool of one course to another.
Erstellen einer StudentQuiz Activität
Creating a StudentQuiz activity has no difference to other activities. Go to your course and press on the “Turn editing on” button. Choose your topic where you want the new Student-Quiz activity and press “+ Add an activity or resource” on the right side.
Choose StudentQuiz and press “Add”. Give a name to the new activity. You have the following options to configure the StudentQuiz activity.
Erstellen einer StudentQuiz Activität
The Ranking Settings are important. You have some options that you can configure
- Make students anonymous
- This option will prevent students from seeing the names of the question’s author. However, students will still see their own names on questions they created themselves. Teachers will always see the creator’s names.
- Publish new questions
- This will make newly created questions visible to all students right away. Turn this option off if you want to approve questions before they become visible to the students.
- Created question factor
- Points for each created question
- Approved question factor
- Points for each approved question
- Rating factor
- Points for each star received
- Latest correct answer factor
- Points for each correct answer on the last attempt
- Latest wrong answer factor
- Points for each wrong or partially wrong answer on the last attempt
- Exclude roles in ranking
- If you do not want the teacher to show up in the ranking table, you can exclude the teacher role. You can do so with all other available user roles.
The Question Settings are also important. You have some options that you can configure
- Allowed question types
- Here you can specify which types of questions one can add to this StudentQuiz.
- Enforce rating
- This option requires a student to rate a question right after answering the question for the first time.
- Enforce commenting
- This option requires a student to comment a question.
Löschen einer StudentQuiz Aktivität
Removing a StudentQuiz Activity can be done the same way as removing any other Moodle Activities. Go to your course and click on the “Turn editing on” button. Choose the StudentQuiz Activity you want to remove and press “Edit -> Delete”. Together with the StudentQuiz activity all associated questions will be deleted as well. You might want to save the questions into an export file first.
Moderieren eines StudentQuizzes
Zuweisung Frage-Status
In the main view, students can only preview, edit or delete their own questions, while teachers can preview, edit and delete all questions. The "S"=State column has clickable icons, which allows teachers to change the state of a particular question. The "Change state" button also offers a bulk option to change the state of multiple questions at once.
A new question automatically receives the state "new". The teacher can alter the state of the question to "approve" or "disapprove". Once a question is approved or disapproved the author cannot edit it anymore. If the teacher wants the author to edit the question again, he/she can assign the "changed" state. As long as the question is in the state "new" or "changed" the author can edit the question. In the following image Test Question 1 is in state "change", Test Question 2 in state "approved", Test Question 3 in state "disapproved", and Test Question 4 in state "new".
Zuweisung Fragesichtbarkeit
As a teacher, you might want to click the eye-icon to hide this question from students. The question is still visible to the teacher and the author but appears greyed out. The author can continue to preview, edit, or delete this question but he will not receive any points for it while it is not visible.
As a teacher, you might also want to delete a question. In this case, the question is not available anymore and the author loses the associated points.
In the following image, Test Question 5 is "hidden" and therefore greyed out. Only the author and the teacher can see it. In contrast, Question 5 is visible to all users.
Evaluieren eines StudentQuizzes
In the submenu “Statistics”, teachers can view their own statistics and see the community statistics.
The Ranking page shows the calculus behind the ranking points. It is ordered descendent by the total of ranking points. From this numbers the teacher can derive the individual contribution progress and learning progress of each student. For further calculations, the data can be copied into a spreadsheet like Excel.
Wiederverwendung der Fragen
Fragen Datenbank
As a teacher, you get access to all question bank functions using the question bank in the StudentQuiz activity.
Its main purpose is to get overview of all questions, for importing or exporting whole sets of questions and possibly to move around questions between categories. This view should not be used to edit questions, as it will not notify students of the applied changes.
StudentQuiz loads all questions from its question category and its subcategories. Thus, you can also move questions into subcategories of the StudentQuiz question category to organize the questions to your liking.
Use the question bank in the StudentQuiz activity, otherwise you will not be in the context of StudentQuiz and you can’t see its question categories.
Anleitung Administratoren
You are the Moodle administrator maintaining the Moodle installation of your institution. This guide explains the relevant procedures of installation and upgrades as well as the process of an uninstalling StudentQuiz.
Download StudentQuiz from the Moodle Plugin Directory and install by going to the ‘Site administration -> Plugins -> Install’ plugins page. You can try StudentQuiz without installing on the StudentQuiz Demo Page.
You can setup the ranking settings and question settings as site wide default values. The teacher can always overwrite these defaults in the settings of each StudentQuiz activity.
- For more information about ranking settings see Ranking Settings.
- For more information about question settings see Question Settings.
Manually, the same steps as install. Moodle also provides you a hint when there are new versions, once you logged in as admin or when you Open ‘Site administration > Notifications’
We highly recommend you to read the release notes on github for more insights about the changes.
Make sure all the questions have been backed up! One way to do this is to export them usind the moodle question bank, as removing or uninstalling the StudentQuiz activity also removes all questions in the same context. To uninstall the StudentQuiz Activity follow the navigation as follows: “Site administration -> Plugins -> Plugins overview”
Look for StudentQuiz and click “Uninstall”.
If “Uninstall” is not available, it means you are using the deprecated StudentQuiz Question Behaviour plugin prior to StudentQuiz 3.0. Remove the Question Behaviour plugin by deleting the directory your_moodle_directory/question/behaviour/studentquiz.
- Moodle Plugin Directory Page for StudentQuiz Plugin
- Github Repository of StudentQuiz Plugin
- Continuous Integration
- Live Demo Sandbox of StudentQuiz
- StudenQuiz demo video in YouTube
See also
- Hot Question - a Moodle plugin that can be used to better understand topics that a group collectively want to know more about. You ask participants to submit questions, or responses to a prompt, for example a recorded lecture, a topical issue, readings, revision class etc. Participants can then submit questions related to that topic, which appear in an ordered list (newest questions appear first). Participants then 'rate' others' questions by clicking a Thumbs Up icon - this gives the question / response heat. The more votes, the hotter the question and the higher up the list it will appear.