
2008年4月25日 (金) 15:33時点におけるMitsuhiro Yoshida (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

作成中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida 2008年4月21日 (月) 10:26 (CDT)

  • 学生の観点から、ランダム記述組み合わせ問題は、組み合わせ問題のように見えます。違いは、現在のカテゴリ内の記述問題から、サブ問題が選ばれる点です。
  • 任意のイントロダクションの後、解答者に対していくつかの小問題およびシャッフルされた答えが与えられます。それぞれの小問題には、1つの正解があります。
  • 解答者は、それぞれの小問題に合致した答えを選択する必要があります。
  • すべての問題に対する評定のため、それぞれの小問題には同じ加重がかけられます。
  • 問題と答えは、現在のカテゴリ内にある「記述問題」プールよりランダムに取り出されます。そのため、それぞれの受験では、異なる問題と答えが使用されます。
  • カテゴリには十分な未使用の記述問題が含まれるようにしてください。そうでなければ、学生にフレンドリーなエラーメッセージが表示されます。あなたが多くの記述問題を提供するほど、各受験において学生が新しい記述問題を受験する可能性が高くなります。
  • Note that the answer options are taken from the correct answers of each contributing short-answer question. Therefore, if the short-answer questions in this category are on different topics, this question type will not be useful, as the correct option will be obvious.
    • An example that doesn't work - suppose the category contains 2 short-answer questions, as follows:
1. What is the capital of France?
 Correct answer: Paris
 Other recognised answers: Lyon, Marseilles, *
2. What vegetable is called 'løk' in Norway?
 Correct answer: Onion
 Other recognised answers: Leek, *
    • The resulting Random Short-Answer Matching question will appear as follows:
What is the capital of France?
 - Options: Paris, Onion.
What vegetable is called 'løk' in Norway?
 - Options: Paris, Onion.
    • An example that does work - the 2 short-answer questions in the category are as follows:
1. What is the capital of France?
 Correct answer: Paris
 Other recognised answers: Lyon, Marseilles, *
2. In what city is Le Corbusier's "Unite d'Habitation"?
 Correct answer: Marseilles
 Other recognised answers: Paris, Lyon *
    • The resulting Random Short-Answer Matching question will appear as follows:
What is the capital of France?
 - Options: Paris, Marseilles.
In what city is Le Corbusier's "Unite d'Habitation"?
 - Options: Paris, Marseilles.


  1. Select the question category.
  2. Give the question a descriptive name - this allows you to identify it in the question bank.
  3. Enter the question text to tell the students what they are matching, or use the default text.
  1. Set the 'default question grade' (i.e. the maximum number of marks for this question).
  2. Set the 'Penalty factor' (see Penalty factor below).
  3. Moodle 1.7+: If you wish, add general feedback. This is text that appears to the student after he/she has answered the question.
  4. Select the number of questions you want to add to the matching question - make sure this is less than or equal to the number of short-answer questions available in this category.
  5. Click Save changes.


The 'penalty factor' only applies when the question is used in a quiz using adaptive mode - i.e. where the student is allowed multiple attempts at a question even within the same attempt at the quiz. If the penalty factor is more than 0, then the student will lose that proportion of the maximum grade upon each successive attempt. For example, if the default question grade is 10, and the penalty factor is 0.2, then each successive attempt after the first one will incur a penalty of 0.2 x 10 = 2 points.