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Development:MoodleMoot 2007 HackFest

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 21:46, 16 October 2007 by Dan Poltawski (talk | contribs) (expanding a bit more on what i'd like to discuss about enrollment groups)

The main part of the 2007 UK Moodle Moot is on Wednesday and Thursday 24th and 25th October. The day before, on the Tuesday, there will be a HackFest for developers to meet, talk and write code.

Practical arrangement

You need to get right here. This is the centre of the Open University's Campus:

The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

The area we are meeting in is called the Christodoulou Meeting Rooms. The entry is under an archway, and if you go in and up the stairs you should find us in Meeting Room 15, or the open foyer area just outside it. We will be there from about 10:00am to about 5:30pm, and lunch will be provided.

If you are registered for the MoodleMoot, wireless network sign-in information should be available on arrival.

Programme for the day

In keeping with Moodle's open source philosophy, the day will be self-organising. You can turn up and talk to other developers about anything you like. However, within that general free-for-all, we will have a number of pre-announced discussions on particular topics at particular times. We have a number of other rooms available for these break-out sessions, but I don't know the room numbers right now.

Please feel free to add your own suggestions below.

Naturally, not all developers will be able to come, so it might be a good idea to start discussing some of these topics in the General Developer Forum now. And if anything significant comes out of the discussions, we should try to record it on the wiki.

Particular discussions

These are significant topics, where it might be worth getting about 5-10 interested developers into a break-out room for a focussed discussion on one topic, or a demonstration of a particular idea.

Irrespective of these sessions, there will be other developers around talking about whatever interests them all day.

Accessibility demonstration

My colleague Chetz Colwell and I would like to give a brief demonstration of assistive technologies to developers, particularly core developers, and discuss future accessibility work on Moodle. We'll hopefully have a screen reader JAWS (Thunder?), screen magnifier, do a keyboard-only demo, and possibly speech recognition.

Time: 10:00 to 10:40
Room: ??
Suggested by: Nick Freear

Repository API

The aim is to develop some consensus on how it can work so that a spec can be started.

Time: 10:40 - 11:20
Room: ??
Suggested by: Martin Dougiamas

Social Networking tools

Time: 11:20 - 12:00
Room: ??
Suggested by: Jenny Grey

Quiz developments

Time: 1:40 to 2:20
Room: ??
Suggested by: Tim Hunt

We can discuss some things that have happened recently:

some things that will probably happen soon:

  • The OU's quiz navigation changes, that we hope to put into Moodle 2.0,
  • The OU's changes to adaptive mode that we hope to put into Moodle 2.0,
  • Tony Gardner-Medwin's plans to introduce certainty-based marking,

known problems with the quiz architecture that no-one is working on right now:

  • ... suggestions welcome ...

and anything else you want to raise.

Of course, you can talk to me about the quiz at any time time during the day too, if you have a more specific issue.


Time: 2:20 to 3:00
Room: ??
Suggested by: Thanh Le

Conditional Activities

The aim is to develop some consensus on how it can work so that a spec can be started.

Time: 3:00 - 3:40
Room: ??
Suggested by: Martin Dougiamas

Offline Moodle (and particularly synchronisation issues)

This session might also be a good one for people who want to talk about MNet.

Time: 3:40 - 4:20
Room: ??
Suggested by: Colin Chambers

Other things people want to do during the day

PGP Keysiging

If any developers would like to exchange PGP Keys and expand their web of trust then this could be done during the Developer day.

I think it would be good to follow the Debian guidlines for this.--Dan Poltawski 18:03, 10 October 2007 (CDT)

Enrollment 'Groups'

I would like to discuss the concept of enrollment groups and thoughts on the reasons for such a feature to be incorporated into Moodle. It would be a useful opportunity to discuss approaches with developers. This is with the intention of implementing a solution and offering it for inclusion into core when I work on this in the coming months. --Dan Poltawski 16:46, 16 October 2007 (CDT)

Bug fixing prize?

Should we offer a prize for the person who fixes most bugs during the day?--Tim Hunt 03:46, 14 October 2007 (CDT)

See also