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Development:Question type plugin how to

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 13:27, 9 August 2007 by Howard Miller (talk | contribs)

Template:Quiz developer docs To follow this guide, you need to get hold of the New question type template. You can get it by checking out the contrib/question/type/TEMPLATE directory from the CVS repository or from the modules and plugins database. The rest of this guide is just a copy of the README.txt file from in there. (Or is the readme file a copy of this page?)

New question type template README file

Welcome to the new question type template.

This blank skeleton is a good place to start if you want to implement your own Moodle question type plugin.

Another good way to start is by looking at an existing question type that has good documentation in the code like TODO (if there is one, otherwise we'll hope that Tims will "light the way" :-) )

The latest version of the template can be found in CVS in Because you want your own copy do a cvs export, not a cvs checkout. The package can also been downloaded from the Modules and plugins database.

The latest version of this help can be read (nicely formatted) at


Getting started

Before you get to the interesting bit, you need to do a bit of file-renaming and search-and-replacing to turn this generic template into your own question type. You need to have chosen two things

The identifier for your question type
This is a string of lowercase letters and perhaps underscores that the Moodle code uses to refer to your question type. This needs to be unique, so perhaps start it with your initials. For example, all the quetions types I create while working at the OU will be referred to as ou_something. For the rest of these instructions, I will assume you have chosen 'myqtypeidentifier'.
The name of your question type
This is the name that people will see in the Moodle User-interface (in the English translation). For these instructions I will assume you have chosen 'My Question Type Name'.

Then you need to

  1. Change all the places TEMPLATE appears in file names to myqtypeidentifier. That is:
    • rename the top level TEMPLATE directory to myqtypeidentifier.
    • rename the language file lang/en_utf8/qtype_TEMPLATE.php to lang/en_utf8/qtype_myqtypeidentifier.php
    • rename the help file lang/en_utf8/help/TEMPLATE/TEMPLATE.html to lang/en_utf8/help/myqtypeidentifier/myqtypeidentifier.html
    • rename the editing form edit_TEMPLATE_form.php to edit_myqtypeidentifier_form.php.
  2. Search and replace 'QTYPEID' with 'myqtypeidentifier' in all the files. You should find:
    • 2 occurrences in the language file
    • 1 occurrence in db/install.xml
    • 5 occurrences in simpletest/testquestiontype.php
    • 2 occurrences in edit_myqtypeidentifier_form.php
    • 3 occurrences in questiontype.php
  3. Search and replace 'QTYPENAME' with 'My Question Type Name' in all the files. You should find:
    • 1 occurrence in the help file
    • 3 occurrences in the language file
    • 1 occurrence in edit_myqtypeidentifier_form.php
    • 2 occurrences in questiontype.php
  4. Search and replace YOURNAME with your name. (This is only in the comments at the top of each file so it is not critical, but surely you want to take credit for your work.) You should find one occurrence in:
    • tlang/en_utf8/qtype_myqtypeidentifier.php
    • simpletest/testquestiontype.php
    • edit_myqtypeidentifier_form.php
    • questiontype.php
  5. Search and replace YOUREMAILADDRESS with your email address. (Again, this is only in the file header comments, but it is helpful if people can contact you if they have any questions about your code.)
    • There should be one occurrence of YOUREMAILADDRESS in each of the files listed under YOURNAME.
  6. Search and replace YOURPACKAGENAME with a package name for your code. This is used by PHPdocumentor when building the documentation for your classes. I suggest you make up one package name for all the question types you write. For example all the question types I write are in the package ou_questiontypes.
    • There should be one occurrence of YOURPACKAGENAME in each of the files listed under YOURNAME.
  7. Edit icon.gif to make an icon that represents your question type.
  8. Move your new question type folder in the question/type folder of your Moodle development codebase, so you can test the code as you work on it.

Import & Export Support

You can provide import and export support by adding a function for (each) format type you wish to support. The naming format is import_from_format and export_to_format, replacing format as appropriate (e.g., export_to_xml). Not all import/export plugins currently support this. See Development:Plans for enhancing import/export in questiontype plugins for more information.

Note in particular that it is vital that your import format checks that the data passed really is for the same type of question as your plugin. In most cases this will simply be a matter of checking the question type (qtype) name in $data. This is done because the type name in the import format may not match the plugin name.

Now for the interesting bit

Now you need to write the code to

  1. Describe any database tables you need in db/install.xml. If you don't need to create any database tables, you can delete the db directory.
  2. Edit edit_myqtypeidentifier_form.php to create the question editing form.
  3. Create the template that will display the question to the student. This is in display.html. To make good flexible formatting you should use CSS classes and use already existing ones when possible. An easy way to find which CSS classes exist is TODO.
  4. Implement the rest of the question type class. This is in questiontype.php. You need to consider
    1. Storing and retrieving additional question options from the database
    2. Displaying the question
    3. Grading a response
    4. Backing up and restoring a question instance
    5. Deleting a question
    6. TODO finish writing this section.
  5. Make sure that the language file contains all the strings you refer to. Note that some of the strings you want may already be in the qtype_base.php and moodle.php language files in Moodle core. If so, use the existing strings. An easy way to find the existing strings is TODO
  6. Write the help file for your question type, and any other help files you need.
  7. Write a set of unit tests for you question type.

All the places in the code where you need to do things are marked TODO, and there are comments right there giving more detailed instructions.

Note that these comments are not complete or accurate yet. I have only just started implementing my own question type, and I will be filling in those comments and finishing this document as I go along.Tim Hunt 11:46, 12 April 2007 (CDT)

When you have finished

Consider checking your question type into the contrib area of the Moodle CVS server (if you have access, if not, request it or post your code as a zip file in the quiz forum) so that other people can share it.

Add your new question type to the modules and plugins database.