Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: New for teachers.

New for teachers

From MoodleDocs

If you're a teacher in Moodle, then this page will tell you about the major changes affecting you in Moodle 3.8

  • DocsForumGrading1.png

    Forum grading

    Asses forum discussions with Whole forum grading, using direct or advanced grading

  • ForumSummaryReport.png

    Forum export and summary report

    Export forum discussions and view a detailed summary report of student activity

  • H5PAttoButtonEn.png

    Embed H5P content

    Link to or upload existing H5P interactive content

  • InsightsBulkActions.png

    Analytics bulk actions

    Bulk select and send messages to students from the Insights report

  • QbankIDTags.png

    Question bank

    View question ID numbers and tags and benefit from a new Edit menu

  • GroupBadges.png

    Badges and groups

    Filter by group when manually awarding badges