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Buttons course format

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 16:36, 10 August 2016 by German Valero (talk | contribs) (Added 600px)

The Buttons course format is a contributed code module. It creates a menu with buttons in JavaScript to access the sections, one by one. It has features to create group of sections (example: modules, period) and change the button colors.


You can download the format from the Modules and Plugins Database


After downloading the ZIP file, put it in your ...\moodle\course\format directory. The folder name must be 'buttons'. Vist the ' Admin ► Site administration ► Notifications ' page to finish the instalation.


  • When creating a new course, slect


  • To select the format, simply choose it from the list of course formats in the course settings.

Buttons course format selection.png

  • Fill the available options:

Buttons course format options.png

  • Choose the number of sections, or leave the default of 10 sections.
  • Choose where you want the first section positioned: Either ' Above the list buttons ' or ' Below the visible section '.
  • Write the titles for all the groupings you will use and the number of sections that each one will have.
  • Write the hexadecimal color for the current section button and the visible section button (or leave it emplty to use the dafult value).

A new empty course

  • A new, empty course in the buttons format will shaw the (number of) buttons, that leads to nowhere...

Buttons course format empty course.png

  • The 'number of sections' is actually the number of buttons that will be visible, e g, 9 in the following example:

Buttons course format 9 buttons.png





See also