Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: New for teachers.

New for teachers

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 13:19, 5 November 2017 by Mary Cooch (talk | contribs)

If you're a teacher in Moodle, then this page will tell you about the major changes affecting you in Moodle 3.4

  • DocsParticipantsEnrolmentsScreen.png

    More efficient user management

    Teachers can now enrol, search, filter and bulk edit or delete learners from a new single Participants and Enrolments screen.

  • Docs MarkActivitiesComplete.png

    Mark activities as complete

    A new capability Override activity completion status means teachers can manually mark as complete (or incomplete) activities on behalf of learners.

  • Docs FileTypeSelector.png

    Helpful file type selector

    When specifying required file types in workshops and assignments, and when uploading media files, a list of suggested file types makes the selection easier.

  • Docs DatabaseTagging.png

    Tag database entries

    Following the glossary, forum post and book chapter tagging in our last release, you can now allow learners to tag database entries..

  • Docs CalendarCategoryEvent.png

    Better calendar management

    Thanks to this Moodle Users Association (MUA) project, you can easily manage calendar events- and view new category events- in a handy popup window..

  • Docs CalendarDragDrop.png

    Drag and drop calendar events

    This MUA-funded improvement allows you to easily change events in the calendar by dragging and dropping them to new dates.

  • Docs PrivateFilesSpace.png

    Private files storage display

    When uploading files to your Private files, you now see how much space you have used, helping you to better manage your storage limit.

  • Docs GlobalSearch.png

    Improved Global search

    If Global search is enabled, it's now possible to search blocks and courses you are not enrolled in.

  • Docs ActivityNavigationLinks.png

    Easier activity navigation

    'Previous' and 'Next' links, along with a jump-to menu make navigating around courses easier and more intuitive.

  • DocsMobileLinks.png

    Moodle from your Mobile!

    Links in the footer and user profiles now encourage you to download and use the Moodle Mobile app.