Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Dropbox repository.

Dropbox repository

From MoodleDocs
(Redirected from Dropbox)

The Dropbox repository enables users to copy or create a shortcut or alias to files from their own Dropbox. See Working with files for more details.

Enabling the Dropbox repository

The Dropbox repository may be enabled by a site administrator from the Manage repositories link in Site administration.

Site administration > Plugins > Repositories > Manage repositories > Settings

Dropbox configuration

  • Once enabled the administrator will need to add a Dropbox API Key and Secret. To get one, click on the "Dropbox developers" link on the Dropbox repository settings page, opening it in a new tab for convenience:
  • On the next screen, sign in or create an account on Dropbox. If you don't immediately see a blue button 'Create app' then click the Developers link at the bottom of the screen. On the next screen, click to create a new app.
  • Choose Dropbox API', 'Full dropbox and name your app according to the branding rules:
  • Click the blue 'Create app' button
  • On the next screen you will see an App key and an App secret. Copy these and go back to your Moodle site Dropbox repository settings page.
  • Paste these into the appropriate fields (1 below) and then copy the Redirect URL (2 below):
  • Return to the Dropbox site. Paste in the Redirect URl and click Add:
  • Go to the 'Permissions' tab and set the following scopes:
  5. sharing.write

NOTE: This is not required if it is an existing backpack created prior to Sept 17, 2020.

  • If you wish, you can click the Branding tab and add extra information for your users, including a custom logo they will see when they connect to Dropbox on your site:

Using the Dropbox repository

To select a file via Dropbox, editing teachers will click on the Dropbox link in the file picker and log on to access the files in their account. They will see a message requesting access:


When they are done, they can log out.

Repository capabilities

There is just one capability, View a Dropbox folder, which is allowed for the default authenticated user role.

See also