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Targets represent a “known good”-- something about which we have very strong evidence of value. Targets must be designed carefully to align with the curriculum priorities of the institution. Each model has a single target. The “Analyser”


(context in which targets will be evaluated) is automatically controlled by the Target selection.

Analytics-Ziele im Moodle-Standardpaket

Moodle bietet im Standardpaket eine wachsende Liste von Analytics-Zielen:

  • Teilnehmer/innen sind gefährdet die Kurskompetenzen nicht zu erreichen -- This target provides predictions for students enroled in courses with competencies assigned. To train the model, a history of courses with competencies and records of competencies achieved must be available on the site. Courses in both the training and prediction sets must have start and end dates.
  • Teilnehmer/innen sind gefährdet, den Kursabschluss nicht zu erreichen -- This target provides predictions for students enroled in courses with completion conditions set. To train the model, a history of courses with completion conditions set and calculated must be available on the site. Courses in both the training and prediction sets must have start and end dates.
  • Teilnehmer/innen sind gefährdet auszusteigen -- This target uses minimal assumptions to estimate student dropout. If the student participates at all in the last quarter of the course, the student is assumed not to have dropped out. The only requirement is that the courses in both the training and prediction sets must have start and end dates.
  • Teilnehmer/innen sind gefährdet, die Bewertung zum Bestehen des Kurses nicht zu erreichen -- This target provides predictions for students enroled in courses with a minimum passing grade configured. To train the model, a history of courses with passing grades must be available on the site. Courses in both the training and prediction sets must have start and end dates.

Although these targets all apply to student enrolments in courses, this is not a requirement. Targets can be based on any outcome or process in Moodle.