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Development:Progressive Disclosure

From MoodleDocs

Note: This page is a work-in-progress. Feedback and suggested improvements are welcome. Please [ join the discussion on] or use the page comments.

This is a prototype guideline, a starting point for the Development:Usability/Improve_Moodle_User_Experience_Consistency project. I am especially interested in comments about the readability, accessibility and brevity of the document.

Progressive disclosure defers advanced or rarely used features to a secondary screen, making applications easier to learn and less error-prone. -Jakob Nielsen


Image 1.1: A part of a form before pressing the "show advanced" button
Image 1.2: A part of a form after pressing the "show advanced" button

Use Progressive Disclosure when you know some users will just want to get the job done with no fuss, but some others users want to do something more.

Maybe what your grandpa does just isn't enough, mechanically clicking through the same buttons - the meaning of which he does not know - every time he goes to his online history course. After all, otherwise the pesky computer might break.

Often you have to allow taking the simplest route: computer programs that try to forcibly educate users about their intricacies are never successful. Different key users of your application have different goals, and you have to serve all of them.

(move the two latter paragraphs to a section higher in the hierarchy? the title of it might be as"Making things simple, but not too simple"?)

Forces: factors for selection of this guideline for use

(this is only supposed to contain the needs and the challenges BEFORE applying the pattern. move what follows to a "resulting context" section or equivalent, or where?)

  • Progressive disclosure allows novice users to first learn the fundamental functionality of an application, and then move on to more advanced features if/when they need them.
  • Helps meet expectations of differently skilled users with the same UI. We let the less-experienced users know what they can safely ignore: (They may be curious and take a peek, but they still so it in the safety of knowing they can still go back and ignore if what they see is confusing.)

  • To successfully apply progressive disclosure, you have to know what is the goal of the greater part of all users, as well as the goals of the users who need more options. Otherwise, you will get the split, of which options should be hidden from novice users, wrong.
  • May distract those users who need the features hidden behind another click. See Persistence and Predictability below for ways to alleviate this.
  • Whether progressive disclosure should be applied to an option can vary from a Moodle site to another. If Persistence and Predictability aren't enough, make the options configurable.

How to do it?

In its purest format, progressive disclosure is about offering a good teaser. (Wikipedia)

Identify the key workflow: what users actually do most of the time. Identify other further controls or alternative workflows that are required but less common. Place them on an alternate, less prominent route that users with more experience can take to learn about further features.

Reasonable defaults

  • Any options that are hidden with progressive disclosure should have reasonable defaults so that the application does the Right Thing even if the user does not understand the option in question.
  • It should also be clear to the user how to return the application to the "default" state in case the user plays with the UI without understanding the options. The value that is the default of an option should be visible at all times, or at least in the case the option is not in the default state.


Depending on the context, often it is beneficial to make the state of the progressive disclosure persistent for any given user: Once the user has once expressed that they are willing to see the additional functionality, it will be visible by default when the user accesses the screen the next time. (Until they hide it again.)

The 'show/hide' decision should probably be remembered per screen/form/area not globally, as a user may be experienced in one area but not others.


To make sure the users who need the advanced functionality find it, the element that the user needs to click to see it needs to be clearly and unambiguously labeled.

It should be predictable to users what will happen if they select to see further options:

  • If there is a link for "advanced [noun]", such as "advanced search", the link can take to another, completely different page.
  • If there is a link to show something additional in the UI the advanced options should either appear near the button or the items that appeared should be signaled with an asterisk (*) to differentiate them from the items that were visible by default.


If it is possible that on some sites a given option can not have a reasonable default but should always be selected by users, consider making it configurable per-site to disable progressive disclosure for that option.

Common mistakes

There are no such things in reality as a novice user, intermediate user or an advanced user. Different personas have various dimensions of know-how in terms of computer literacy. A common mistake is making users choose what their skill level is, and based on that show more or fewer controls. Progressive disclosure should be based on scenarios that different actual personas (prototypical users) will have.

Examples and implementation

Simple progressive disclosure in a form

(See images 1.1 and 1.2 above)

  • Reasonable defaults: The options are designed so that ignoring them is safe. However, the default value of the option is not visible to the user so that they can return the option to its original safe state.
  • Persistence: Moodle remembers the state the form was left in. If the user left the form and had the progressive disclosure in 'Show advanced' state, the advanced controls will be visible when they return to the form.
  • Predictability: The label of the fieldset ("Question behaviour") within which the 'Show advanced' button is gives a rough clue about what is hidden behind the button. Still, the user has to learn where a given feature is since there is no information readily visible about the specific features hidden.

Implementation: Development:Progressive Disclosure Implementation

Search and Advanced search of forums

Change to another page with further options if the user clicks "advanced search".

Search options

Javascript implementation. When "Search options" is clicked, reveals three checkboxes. Go to a module, such as a forum, in a course, click Update module, click Check permissions. URL of form is /admin/roles/check.php?contextid=X .

Further information / Sources

(TODO: search progressive disclosure for examples and add some here)