Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.7. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Badges FAQ.

Badges FAQ

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 10:17, 24 April 2013 by Mary Cooch (talk | contribs) (How can teachers award site badges?)

How can teachers award site badges?

By default, teachers can only award course badges. Only users with capabilities to manage badges in the system are able to do this, so if you wish teachers to award site badges you need to create a new, global role.

  1. From Administration>Site administration>Users>Permissions>Define roles
  2. Add a new role called for example "Site badge awarder"
  3. Add it to the "System" context
  4. Set to "allow"
    • moodle/badges:awardbadge
    • moodle/badges:viewbadges
    • moodle/badges:configurecriteria
  1. Assign this role to the teachers you wish to award site badges.

The teacher with the role "Site badge awarder" will see a link to Badges in the Administration block.

See also