Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.7. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: XMLDB reserved words.

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[[XML database schema]] > [[Development:XMLDB Documentation|Documentation]] > XMLDB reserved words
[[Development:XMLDB Documentation|XMLDB Documentation]] > XMLDB reserved words
For each RDBMS some words are forbidden to be used as identifiers and they are called '''"reserved words"'''. Here you will find one big list that is automatically generated by the list of reserved words present in the '''XMLDB classes''' (it includes the reserved words for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and MSSQL).
For each RDBMS some words are forbidden to be used as identifiers and they are called '''"reserved words"'''. Here you will find one big list that is automatically generated by the list of reserved words present in the '''XMLDB classes''' (it includes the reserved words for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and MSSQL).

Revision as of 16:51, 28 February 2007

XMLDB Documentation > XMLDB reserved words

For each RDBMS some words are forbidden to be used as identifiers and they are called "reserved words". Here you will find one big list that is automatically generated by the list of reserved words present in the XMLDB classes (it includes the reserved words for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and MSSQL).

It's a must to avoid completely the use of these reserved words in your DB structures (tables, columns...). At the end of this page, you'll find some useful links about reserved words.

The list

access, add, all, alter, analyse, analyze, and, any, array, as, asc, asensitive, asymmetric, audit, authorization, avg, backup, before, begin, between, bigint, binary, blob, both, break, browse, bulk, by, call, cascade, case, cast, change, char, character, check, checkpoint, close, cluster, clustered, coalesce, collate, column, comment, commit, committed, compress, compute, condition, confirm, connect, connection, constraint, contains, containstable, continue, controlrow, convert, count, create, cross, current, current_date, current_role, current_time, current_timestamp, current_user, cursor, database, databases, date, day_hour, day_microsecond, day_minute, day_second, dbcc, deallocate, dec, decimal, declare, default, deferrable, delayed, delete, deny, desc, describe, deterministic, disk, distinct, distinctrow, distributed, div, do, double, drop, dual, dummy, dump, each, else, elseif, enclosed, end, errlvl, errorexit, escape, escaped, except, exclusive, exec, execute, exists, exit, explain, external, false, fetch, file, fillfactor, float, float4, float8, floppy, for, force, foreign, freetext, freetexttable, freeze, from, full, fulltext, function, goto, grant, group, having, high_priority, holdlock, hour_microsecond, hour_minute, hour_second, identified, identity, identity_insert, identitycol, if, ignore, ilike, immediate, in, increment, index, infile, initial, initially, inner, inout, insensitive, insert, int, int1, int2, int3, int4, int8, integer, intersect, interval, into, is, isnull, isolation, iterate, join, key, keys, kill, leading, leave, left, level, like, limit, lineno, lines, load, localtime, localtimestamp, lock, long, longblob, longtext, loop, low_priority, match, max, maxextents, mediumblob, mediumint, mediumtext, middleint, min, minus, minute_microsecond, minute_second, mirrorexit, mlslabel, mod, mode, modifies, modify, national, natural, new, no_write_to_binlog, noaudit, nocheck, nocompress, nonclustered, not, notnull, nowait, null, nullif, number, numeric, of, off, offline, offset, offsets, old, on, once, online, only, open, opendatasource, openquery, openrowset, openxml, optimize, option, optionally, or, order, out, outer, outfile, over, overlaps, pctfree, percent, perm, permanent, pipe, pivot, placing, plan, precision, prepare, primary, print, prior, privileges, proc, procedure, processexit, public, purge, raid0, raiserror, raw, read, reads, readtext, real, reconfigure, references, regexp, release, rename, repeat, repeatable, replace, replication, require, resource, restore, restrict, return, revoke, right, rlike, rollback, row, rowcount, rowguidcol, rowid, rownum, rows, rule, save, schema, schemas, second_microsecond, select, sensitive, separator, serializable, session, session_user, set, setuser, share, show, shutdown, similar, size, smallint, some, soname, spatial, specific, sql, sql_big_result, sql_calc_found_rows, sql_small_result, sqlexception, sqlstate, sqlwarning, ssl, start, starting, statistics, straight_join, successful, sum, symmetric, synonym, sysdate, system_user, table, tape, temp, temporary, terminated, textsize, then, tinyblob, tinyint, tinytext, to, top, trailing, tran, transaction, trigger, true, truncate, tsequal, uid, uncommitted, undo, union, unique, unlock, unsigned, update, updatetext, upgrade, usage, use, user, using, utc_date, utc_time, utc_timestamp, validate, values, varbinary, varchar, varchar2, varcharacter, varying, verbose, view, waitfor, when, whenever, where, while, with, work, write, writetext, x509, xor, year_month, zerofill

Some useful links