Kurse teilen

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Das Veröffentlichen von Kursen ist eine Methode, einen Kurs auf einer speziellen Moodle-Site - dem Community Hub - mit anderen zu teilen.

wenn Sie einen Kurs eröffentlichen, wählen Sie, ob der Kurs

  • zum Herunterladen (in Form einer Kurssicherungsdatei) oder
  • zum Einschreiben auf Ihrer Moodle-Site für externe Nutzer/innen

bereitgestellt werden soll.

Mit einem Community Hub verbinden

Als Administrator/in müssen Sie zunächst auf der Seite Einstellungen > Website-Administration > Registrierung sicherstellen, dass Ihre Moodle-Site bei einem oder mehreren Community Hubs registriert ist, wo Sie Ihre Kurse veröffentlichen wollen.

Wenn Sie z.B. Ihre Kurse im Moodle.org Open Community Hub (MOOCH) veröffentlichen, muss Ihre Moodle-Site bei moodle.org registriert sein.

Publishing a course for download

Datei:Backup publication.png
First page of the backup process
  1. Go to Settings > Course administration > Publish (only available to users with the capability moodle/course:publish)
  2. Click the button 'Share this course for people to download'
  3. Select the hub where you want to share your course
  4. Enter information about the course
  5. Click the 'Upload this course' button
  6. Select the data to be included in the backup
  7. Create the course backup

The course will then need to be approved by the hub administrator before it appears in the course listing.

How to upload a Moodle course to MOOCH video:


Updating a course backup

If you improve the course and wish to update the course backup, firstly remove it from the hub, then re-share it. You may also share different versions of the same course.

Publishing a course for people to enrol in

You can display a link to your course on any hub your site is registered on. The hub will redirect users your course.

  1. Go to Settings > Course administration > Publish (only available to users with the capability moodle/course:publish)
  2. Click the button 'Advertise this course for people to join'
  3. Select the hub where you want to advertise your course
  4. Enter information about the course
  5. Click the 'Advertise this course' button

The course will then need to be approved by the hub administrator before it appears in the course listing.

You can change the information about the course by clicking the 'Update' button in the actions column.

Tip! When you advertise a course try to make the course easy to see for people not registered on your site (allow guest access in your course settings / allow Auto-login guests / allow people to register themself).

Hub listing

You can check whether your course has been approved by the hub administrator and is listed on the hub as follows:

  1. Go to Settings > Course administration > Publish
  2. Click the 'Check it now' link in the hub listing column

Your Moodle site will contact the hub and will then update the status of your course.

Datei:published on list.png

Removing a course from a hub

If you wish, you can remove your course from a hub at any time.

  1. Go to Settings > Course administration > Publish
  2. Click the 'Remove from hub' button in the actions column
