Moodle App - Systemnachrichten
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Benachrichtigungen für Teilnehmer/innen und Trainer/innen
Die Moodle Mobile App sorgt dafür, dass Sie auf dem aktuellen Stand sind im Hinblick darauf, was in Ihren Kursen und in der Moodle-Site passiert. Jedes Mal, wenn Sie die Moodle Mobile App öffnen, werden die Ereignisse mit der Moodle-Site synchronisiert.
Termine aus dem Moodle-Kalender werden automatisch angezeigt. Wenn Sie das nicht möchten, dann können Sie diese Anzeige auf der Seite Einstellungen > Allgemein deaktivieren.
Sie erhalten auch Benachrichtigungen über Mitteilungen, Forumsbeiträge, Aufgabenabgaben, wenn die Moodle-Adminstration dies aktiviert hat.
Push notifications are all notifications related to the messaging system in Moodle, such as notifications of instant messages, new forum posts, submitted assignments etc.
Push notifications need to be enabled by a site administrator and configured by users in their messaging profile settings (Administration > My profile settings > Messaging).
Push-Mitteilungen aktivieren
Note: If your Moodle installation is 2.6 or below, you will need to install the Mobile notifications plugin. For Moodle 2.7 and onwards you just need to enable the plugin. For Moodle versions 2.4 and 2.5 the Moodle Mobile additional features plugin must also be installed. (See note marked * below.)
Push notifications can be enabled by an administrator by connecting their Moodle site to a messaging server such (available for registered Moodle sites only). An access key can be obtained via Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Message outputs > Mobile Notifications. (If you have problems requesting the access key, please fill in the Airnotifier access key manual request form. Your site registration will be checked and you will be sent an access key in a few days if everything is correct.)
Users then need to connect at least once with the latest version of the Moodle Mobile app in order to register their phones with the Moodle site.
* Only for Moodle from 2.7 and onwards: If you upgrade your Moodle installation, you will have to reinstall the plugin since it adds a couple of functions to the core Moodle Mobile service. See for more information.
Event Reminders plugin
Push notifications can also include calendar event notifications, however this requires the Event Reminders plugin to be installed on the Moodle site.
The Event Reminders plugin will automatically send reminders for Moodle calendar events in a timely manner via Moodle message interface. It also allows users to control how they receive messages for each type of event in the Moodle calendar.
Installation einer eigene Infrastruktur für Mitteilungen
If you have a customized version of the Moodle Mobile app, or you want to use your own notifications infrastructure, you will have to install a private AirNotifier (backend server for notifications). uses a slightly modified version of Airnotifier:
You will have to add your app certificates - see for further information.
The Airnotifier message plugin allows you to point to your custom Airnotifier instance using your own access keys.
Remember to install using GIT (repository branch moodle2).