Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.6. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is likely available here: Credits.


From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 08:09, 3 December 2010 by Helen Foster (talk | contribs) (→‎Component maintainers: Performance update)

Overall guidance

Martin Dougiamas is the founder and manager for the whole Moodle project. Since 2005 there is a team of people employed over at Moodle HQ in Perth, Australia helping him keep on top of things (or at least within sight of the top!).

The Moodle software package is Copyright © 1999 onwards, Martin Dougiamas under the GNU GPL.

It can be cited as follows:

 Moodle, version 1.9 (2007) (accessed 2007)

Key Moodle Roles

Main developers

Endless thanks from all of us goes to those who have contributed substantial and ongoing amounts of time to writing Moodle code and helping it grow. These are people who "get" what developing Moodle is all about and without whom Moodle would be a far lesser thing:

Eloy Lafuente (stronk7), Ray Kingdon, Williams Castillo, Petri Asikainen, Henrik Kaipe, Zbigniew Fiedorowicz, Gustav Delius, Thomas Robb, Janne Mikkonen, Jon Papaioannou (pj), Scott Elliott, Shane Elliott, Roberto Pinna (Bobo), Mike Churchward, Petr Škoda (skodak), Penny Leach, Martin Langhoff, Urs Hunkler, Michael Penney, Yu Zhang, Helen Foster, Tim Hunt, Sam Marshall, Jamie Pratt, Nicolas Connault

Component maintainers

The above list is based on the list of tracker component leads.

Core developers

The following people have write access to part or all of cvs:/moodle:

Ann Adamcik, Robert Allerstorfer, Gary Anderson, Iñaki Arenaza, Gordon Bateson, Andrea Bicciolo, Anthony Borrow, Peter Bulmer, Chardelle Busch, Dongsheng Cai, Wen Hao Chuang, Mike Churchward, Matt Clarkson, Nicolas Connault, Gustav W Delius, Martin Dougiamas, Shane Elliott, Ethem Evlice, Helen Foster, Nick Freear, Valery Fremaux, Andreas Grabs, Jenny Gray, Piers Harding, Urs Hunkler, Tim Hunt, Samuli Karevaara, Eloy Lafuente (stronk7), Martín Langhoff, Penny Leach, François Marier, Dan Marsden, sam marshall, Eric Merrill, Janne Mikkonen, Howard Miller, Jérôme Mouneyrac, David Mudrák, Mark Nielsen, Rod Norfor, Matt Oquist, Michael Penney, Mathieu Petit-Clair, Pierre Pichet, Roberto Pinna, Dan Poltawski, Jamie Pratt, Joseph Rézeau, Julian Ridden, koen roggemans, Olli Savolainen, Petr Škoda (škoďák), Alan Thompson, Jeffery Watkins, Mitsuhiro Yoshida

(List updated 11:39, 20 November 2008 (CST))


One of Moodle's strengths is the number of translations it has. Each translation takes many hours of work, as there are over 1000 phrases to translate (plus hundreds of help files!) Many of the languages have more than one contributor, sometimes working together and sometimes working serially.

Translation credits lists all these wonderful people.

The Translation Coordinator is Koen Roggemans translation AT moodle DOT org.


Themes give Moodle sites colour and life. Theme credits lists all the themes included in the core Moodle download, along with their authors.

Supporting Organisations

  • Open University, UK - contributed to Roles, accessibility in 1.8, Quiz (ongoing) and many smaller things.
  • Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Italy (especially Daniele Cordella) - contributed to accessibility compliance to W3C guidelines and Italian law.
  • Microsoft, US - contributed to development of XMLDB.
  • Google, US (Summer of Code) - contributed to development of Admin interface, AJAX editing and Database activity presets
  • Open Polytechnic, NZ (esp Richard Wyles) - for contributions to Moodle Network, Stats, PostgreSQL support, and many other things

(this list is not complete yet)

Other contributors and developers

Many other people have contributed (and are still contributing) with constructive discussions, support, testing and various chunks of code and documentation - see the Community credits and the Documentation credits.

Thanks also to everyone of you who have

Moodle libraries

Some of Moodle's libraries were written by other people, and are being redistributed as part of Moodle under their respective open source licenses that thankfully allow us to do so. Thanks to the authors of all these excellent products - without them Moodle would be missing important functionality. Copyright information for each package is included below:

ADOdb - lib/adodb

Database abstraction library for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Interbase, Foxpro, Access, ADO, Sybase, DB2 and ODBC.

Version: 4.93

Copyright © 2000-2006 John Lim (jlim AT natsoft DOT com DOT my)

License: Dual LGPL and BSD-style


EvalMath - lib/evalmath

Class to safely evaluate math expressions

Copyright Miles Kaufmann

License: BSD


FLV player - filter/mediaplugin/flvplayer.swf

Flash movie to play FLV files

Copyright Jeroen Wijering

License: GNU GPL


FPDF Class - lib/fpdf

Class to generate PDF files

Version: 1.53

Copyright Olivier PLATHEY

License: Freeware

GeoIP - lib/geoip

Library for precessing of GeoIP data files

Version: 1.6

Copyright MaxMind

License: LGPL


Graph Class - lib/graphlib.php

Class to draw line, point, bar, and area graphs, including numeric x-axis and double y-axis.

Version: 1.6.3 (with modifications)

Copyright © 2000 Herman Veluwenkamp (hermanV AT mindless DOT com)

License: LGPL

html2text - lib/html2text.php

PHP script to convert HTML into an approximate text equivalent

Version: 1.0 (with modifications)

Copyright © 2002 Mark Wilton-Jones

License: GNU GPL


htmlArea - lib/editor

Javascript/HTML script to put a GUI editor in textareas on Internet Explorer and Mozilla

Version: 3.0 beta (with modifications)

Copyright © 2002, inc.

License: htmlArea License (based on BSD license)

IP-Atlas - lib/ipatlas

PHP scripts to show the location of an IP address on a map.

Version: 1.0 (with modifications)

Copyright © 2002 Ivan Kozik

License: GNU GPL


Services_JSON - lib/json

Allows PHP->JS communication via JSON

Version: 1.3.1

Copyright © 2005 Michal Migurski

License: Modified BSD (GPL-compatible)


kses - lib/kses.php

HTML/XHTML filter that only allows some elements and attributes

Version: 0.2.2

Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2005 Ulf Harnhammar

License: GNU GPL


mimeTeX - filter/tex

Compiled C program to convert TeX into GIFs

Version: 1.4

Copyright © 2002-2004 John Forkosh Associates, Inc

License: GNU GPL


mp3player - lib/mp3player

Flash movie to play streaming MP3s

Copyright © 2005 Andrew Walker

License: GNU GPL

overlibmws - lib/overlib.js

Javascript library to enable DHTML popups, floating windows, events etc

Version: July 2004

Copyright © 2002-2004 Foteos Macrides

Copyright © 1998-2004 Erik Bosrup

License: Artistic Open Source License


PclZip - lib/pclzip

Class to create, manage and unpack zip files.

Version: 2.4 RC1

Copyright © 2004 Vincent Blavet (vincent AT phpconcept DOT net)

License: GNU GPL


PEAR OLE Classes - lib/pear

Class to write Excel files

Version: 0.5

Copyright © 2004 Xavier Noguer

License: PHP (plus special exemption for Moodle to make it compatible)


PEAR Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer - lib/pear

Class to write Excel files

Version: 0.9.1

Copyright © 2004 Xavier Noguer and Mika Tuupola

License: LGPL


PEAR HTML_Quickform - lib/pear

Class to write forms

Version: 3.2.6

Copyright © 2004 Bertrand Mansion, Adam Daniel, Alexey Borzov

License: PHP (plus special exemption for Moodle to make it compatible)


PEAR HTML_Quickform_Renderer_Tableless - lib/pear

Class to render forms without tables

Version: 0.3.4

Copyright © 2005 Mark Wiesemann

License: PHP (plus special exemption for Moodle to make it compatible)


PEAR HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless - lib/pear

Class to render validation notices with dhtml

Version: 0.1.2

Copyright © 2005 Alexey Borzov, Adam Daniel, Bertrand Mansion, Justin Patrin, Mark Wiesemann

License: PHP (plus special exemption for Moodle to make it compatible)


PEAR HTML_Common - lib/pear

Class with many common HTML functions (used by HTML Quickform)

Version: 0.3.4

Copyright © 2004 Adam Daniel, Bertrand Mansion, Klaus Guenther, Alexey Borzov

License: PHP (plus special exemption for Moodle to make it compatible)


PEAR XML_Parser - lib/pear

Class implementing one handy (sax-expat) XML parser

Version: 1.3.2

Copyright © 2004-2008 The PHP Group & Stephan Schmidt

License: New BSD License


PHP mailer - lib/class.phpmailer.php

Class for sending email using either sendmail, PHP mail(), or SMTP. Methods are based upon the standard AspEmail(tm) classes.

Version 1.73

Copyright © 2003 Brent R. Matzelle (bmatzelle AT yahoo DOT com) License: LGPL


PHP Markdown - lib/markdown.php

Functions to convert from the Markdown text format into clean XHTML.

Version: 1.0b9 (with modifications)

Copyright © 2003-2004 , John Gruber

Copyright © 2004 , Michel Fortin

License: LGPL


Snoopy - lib/snoopy

A PHP net client

Version: 1.0

Copyright © 1999-2000 Monte Ohrt (monte AT ispi DOT net) License: GNU LGPL


SMTP class - lib/class.smtp.php

Class that can be used to connect and communicate with any SMTP server. It implements all the SMTP functions defined in RFC821 except TURN.

Version: 03/26/2001

Copyright © 2001 Chris Ryan (chris AT greatbridge DOT com)

Spike PHPCoverage - lib/spikephpcoverage

PHP code coverage reporting tool

Version: 0.8.2 (with modifications)

Copyright © 2004 SpikeSource Inc

License: LGPL


Typo3 Character Set Class - lib/typo3

Class for conversion between charsets and multibyte-savy operations with strings.

CVS version: 1.54

Copyright © 2003-2005 Kasper Skaarhoj

Licence: GNU GPL


Yahoo User Interface - lib/yui

The Yahoo! User Interface Library is a set of utilities and controls, in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX. The YUI Library also includes several core CSS resources.Set of user-interface components using AJAX, DHTML etc. We use it for all our AJAX-related stuff.

CVS version: 2.3.0

Copyright (c) 2006, Yahoo! Inc.

Licence: BSD