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Code syntax highlighting

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 11:12, 18 July 2006 by Nigel McNie (talk | contribs) (New version of filter now has different embed method, updated this page to reflect that.)

You can color or highlight code snippets within Moodle resources, forum posts etc. To do so you must install the GeSHi (Generic Syntax Highlighter) Filter. This makes the power of GeSHI available in Moodle through the use of a pair of special tags.


You can download the GeSHi filter from here:

To install, unzip that archive into your filter/ directory and then enable it in the admin filter configuration screen.

Instructions for use

Enclose your code in spans like so:

[code lang]your code goes here [/code] [code lang linenumbers]your code with line numbers [/code] [code lang highlight=1,2,6-9]your code with lines 1, 2 and 6 to 9 highlighted "extra" [/code] [code lang linenumbers start=4]start the line numbers at "4" [/code]

Supported languages

  • asm,
  • bash,
  • cpp,
  • CSS
  • lisp
  • matlab
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • pascal
  • sql
  • xml

and many others. See the GeSHi homepage for full details.


See the examples above. This filter is still under development so things may change.


The filter has recently been installed on and can be seen in use there. For example see this post:

The GeSHi homepage also has an interactive demo.


This filter used to use <span syntax="language">...</span> as markers for code. However this changed after conflicts with the HTMLArea editor became apparent.

See also