Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.6. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is likely available here: Site-wide reports.

Site-wide reports

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 10:30, 21 April 2015 by Mary Cooch (talk | contribs) (browser sessions)

Standard Reports for Administrators

In addition to reports available at both site and course level, the following site-wide reports are available for administrators:

  • Comments - See all comments created on the site.
  • Backups - displays a list of all course backups made, the time taken to create them, their status, and the next scheduled automated backup execution time
  • Config changes report - Shows changes made by an administrator to the site configuration
  • Logs - Activity reports for course or site
  • Live Logs - Live logs from the past hour as a table
  • Performance overview - overview of settings that may impact site performance such as Theme Designer Mode or Debugging
  • Question instances - Reports where particular question types are used on the site
  • Security overview - overview of security related settings such as Allowing EMBED and OBJECT tags or No Authentication.
  • Spam cleaner - helpful tool for rooting out spam users if you do not have Captcha required as part of authentication.

See also