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Dataformfield checkbox

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 14:27, 17 February 2014 by Itamar Tzadok (talk | contribs)

Allows the user to select options by ticking checkboxes.


General settings


Short name for the field. Since the field name is used in field patterns, long convoluted names may make the view template less readable.


Short description of the field purpose and characteristics to allow managers to see at a glance what each field is intended for. This description is displayed only in the field management list.


To whom the field (label and content in browse and editing modes) is visible when displaying entries (in views that contain the field pattern).

  • Managers only - Users with manageentries capability.
  • Owner and managers - Users with manageentries capability and the entry author.
  • Everyone - All users.


Whether the field content can be updated by an entry author without manageentries capability.


The field template allows for creating a complex display of the field content by interpreting patterns of the field if included in the template. For example, with a number field called Number and the field template defined as 'You have earned [[Number]] credits.' and an entry where the number value is 47 the pattern [[Number@]] would be displayed as 'You have earned 47 credits.' The field template can also be used as a simple label for the field (rather than labels as static content in the view template) with the advantage that it observes the field visibility and is hidden if the field is set to be hidden. The field template can be added to the view by means of the [[fieldname@]] pattern.

Field specific settings

  • Options – List of options, one per line. Example:
Very good

  • Options separator – The options display separator.
    • New line – Options are displayed vertically.
    • Space – Options are displayed horizontally separated by a space.
    • Comma – Options are displayed horizontally separated by a comma.
    • Comma and space – Options are displayed horizontally separated by comma and space.
  • 'Default values – List of options to be selected by default when editing a new entry.
  • Allow adding options – Whether new options can be added from the entry form (requires including the respective field pattern to the entry template).


Common field patterns


Displays the field label/template.

[[fieldname]]: Displays input checkboxes in editing and the selected options in browsing. [[fieldname:addnew]]: Displays input text box in editing for specifying a new option. [[fieldname:options]]: Displays all the options in browsing.

Sort / Search

The following field elements are available for defining sort and search criteria in Dataform Filters:


  • Content – The textual content of the field.


  • Content – The textual content of the field.

Import / Export


  • Name – The heading of the corresponding column in the csv import file. Defaults to the pattern name.


Depending on the imported pattern.