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Revision as of 15:10, 20 August 2012 by Helen Foster (talk | contribs) (suggested fix - please amend if incorrect)
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Oops! Your MNET communication has failed! Here's that error message to pass on to your administrator: The signature verification failed. It appears that this payload was not signed by you.ERROR 710: 710 : The signature verification failed. It appears that this payload was not signed by you.

If you obtain the above error message, it may be due to the public key having expired.

To fix it

  1. Go to Settings > Site administration > Networking > Manage peers and click on the site name
  2. If you see the message "The public key you are holding for this host is different from the public key it is currently publishing." then copy the currently published key and paste it in the public key text field above
  3. Click the 'Save changes' button