MH AAIRS block

From MoodleDocs
MH AAIRS block
Type Blocks
Set N/A
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Discussion TBA
Maintainer(s) Itamar Tzadok


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Moodlerooms customer

  • Please contact Moodlerooms and ask them to install the MH-AAIRS moodleblock on your instance.

Site configuration

The mhaairs block has a few settings which need to be configured by an administrator in Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Blocks > McGraw-Hill AAIRS > Settings.


SSL Only

Customer Number

Set the ‘Customer Number’ to value provided to you by MH Campus in a welcome email.

Shared Secret

Set the ‘Customer Secret’ to value provided to you by MH Campus in a welcome email.

Available Services

Name: block_mhaairs_display_services.

Default: Empty.

One or more of the web services is currently down or your client access data are not correctly configured. Please contact McGraw-Hill help for further action.

Help links

Name: block_mhaairs_display_helplinks. Default: Yes.

Select this option if you wish help links to appear in the block appropriate to admin and teacher roles.

Gradebook Sync

Select locking type

Grade exchange log

AAIRS configuration

1. Login to your MH Campus account as the admin. 2. Click ‘Manage AAIRS’ to open the AAIRS interface.


3. Edit the Authorization section.


4. Drag the 'Custom' box from 'Manual Configuration' into the 'Currently Used Connectors' area.


5. Enter the following parameters in the custom connector form:

  • Title: Moodle
  • Service URL:
  • Extended Properties: server=YOUR-MOODLE-SERVER-URL;block_name=mhaairs;secret=YOUR-MHAAIRS-SECRET;protocol=YOUR-PREFERRED-PROTOCOL
    • Replace YOUR-MOODLE-SERVER-URL with the actual url of your moodle server.
    • Replace YOUR-SHARED-SECRET with the shared secret provided to you by MH Campus in a welcome email.
    • Replace YOUR-PREFERRED-PROTOCOL with the protocol you use on your moodle server, either https or http.

6. Click 'Save' in the custom connector form to save the Moodle connector configuration. 7. Click ‘Save & Continue’.
