Course categories
Location: Category link in Site Administration > Courses > Add/edit courses
Course categories organize courses for all Moodle site participants. Miscellaneous is the default course category on a new Moodle site. A course creator or administrator can put all courses in the miscellaneous category. However, teachers and students will find it easier to find their classes if they are organized in descriptive categories.
The list of courses within a category by default shows the teachers and the summary of each course. If the number of courses within a category exceeds 9 (10 or more), then a short list without teachers and summary is shown.
Sample Syllabus we will be editing for this Mock Hybrid course.
ENG 101 Composition I Syllabus Spring 2011
MW 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM Room: WC B 107 Section: 802 Call No.: 26790 Credits: 3 Office: West Charleston E253 Phone: 651-5749 Professor Vázquez virtual office hours 24/7 by email:
Course description: English 101 is a college freshman course that focuses on the goals, strategies, and methods of assessment necessary for writing effective essays. Students will write five sharply focused essays using expressive, referential and persuasive types of writing. Through the writing process, students will learn to think critically, enabling them to evaluate the accuracy of statements and thereby make sound judgments. Students will also be encouraged to develop their research skills in order to state and defend their points of view.
Prerequisite: English Placement Test or successful completion of ENG 095. Human Relations Component: English 101 satisfies the Communication requirement for related instruction for many Certificates offered at CSN, and may be verified by checking the College Catalog or your degree sheet.
Texts: Lannon, John M. The Writing Process: A Concise Rhetoric. 10th ed. New York: Longman, 2008. Sophocles. Oedipus Cycle. Trans. Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald. Orlando: Harvest Books, 2002.
Course outcomes: • Read, analyze, and integrate challenging material into original writing. • Use a process approach to write complete, coherent, and well-developed thesis-driven essays. • Create essays with engaging introductions, well-developed body paragraphs, and effective conclusions • Use clear topic sentences in paragraphs; use effective transitional expressions to move from one idea to another • Control conventions of language, mechanics and MLA format. • Revise written essays according to the traditional rules of content, organization, and style. • Develop research and documentation skills to prepare papers in MLA-style citations. • Identify purpose, audience, and rhetorical situation. • Use computer technology (type, internet searches, email attachments, etc.) to prepare written assignments.
Course requirements: Of the five major writing assignments, if you miss more than one, you will not get credit for the course. Please respect and encourage the opinions of your peers, even if they do not represent your own; but speak up when you have a point to make, a question, or a disagreement. Disruptive students (e.g. excessive tardiness, use of cell phones or media players) will be dismissed from class.
5 Essays 50% of the grade (each is worth 10%) 5 Journals 25% of the grade (each is worth 5%) 5 Quizzes 25% of the grade (each is worth 5%)
Scales: A = 93 - 100% C = 73 - 76% A- = 90 - 92% C- = 70 - 72% B+ = 86 - 89% D+ = 67 - 69% B = 83 - 85% D = 63 - 66% B- = 80 - 82% D- = 60 - 62% C+ = 77 - 79% F = Below 60% There is no curve.
Obtaining your grades: Go to the “Online Registration tab to get your grades. Enter your student ID or SS#
Grading criteria: • 50% Content Worthwhile content (focused topic, assertions supported by evidence, thoughtful title). • 25% Organization Sensible organization (informative introduction, body develops points, wrap up conclusion). • 25% Style Punctuation is 15%. Is your meaning precise, concrete and specific? MLA format is 10%.
Format criteria:
Submit all writing assignments to their respective drop boxes in the Angel shell—without exception. The drop boxes are linked to the Gradebook. Those that fail to meet the criteria will be returned and marked ("R") for revision; furthermore, resubmitted essays will be graded down one full letter grade. Late assignments are marked ("U") for unacceptable and will be returned immediately.
• Length: 3 printed pages, double-spaced, including a Works Cited page. 250 approximate word count for each typed page using 12 pt font • Margins: 1" all around, on an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of white paper only • Header: ½ inch from the top, align right; include your surname and page number • Heading: Upper left-hand corner, double-spaced like the rest of the paper Last Name 1 ◄ header heading ► Your Name Professor Vázquez English 101, Section 802 Due Date • Title: Capitalized and centered on the page; should predict how essay develops • Indent First line of each paragraph; no spaces between paragraphs • Works Cited Use Knight Cite, a free on-line MLA citation assistant.
Journals and Essays A Work Cited page is required for all journals and essays. Topics for entries will be assigned; however, personal reflection is invited.
Missed assignments, quizzes and exams: Late assignments will be graded unacceptable ("U") and returned immediately. Quizzes and exams may not be made up without prior instructor approval. 3 week cycle for 5 major writing assignments: Week 1 Journal Week 2 Quiz Week 3 Essay Attendance and participation: Students with absences in excess of five will be dropped from the class. As a way of rewarding students who attend regularly (3 absences or less), participate and are well-prepared, I’ll drop their lowest quiz score. If you use Word Perfect or Pages, CONVERT your files to a PDF, doc, or rtf before you send them to me. If I can’t open your attachment, you will be docked a letter grade for failing to meet format criteria.
Academic Integrity: Since you are responsible for preparing your own assignments, all work submitted is assumed to be your own. Passing off someone else's work as your own constitutes plagiarism (cheating) and will be subjected to the penalties listed in the CSN Student Academic Integrity Policy ( You may avoid scholastic dishonesty by documenting the sources of borrowed information.
Help: Email me regarding any questions you might have about the readings or the assignment directions. For additional assistance, on-line tutors are available 24/7 at or visit the Writing Center (WC C 112). Phone number: 651-7402.
Disability Resource Center (DRC): Students who have a documented disability that may require assistance need to contact the Disability Resource Center ( Telephone: WCH: 651-5644
Students’ Rights and Responsibilities: Students’ rights are listed in the General Catalog and Student Handbook (
Schedule of Assignments
English 101 Spring 2011 MW Professor Vázquez
Journals Essays
J1 Due the 2nd week on February 2 Topic: Cicero’s “The Defense of Injustice.” E1 Due the 4th week on February 16 Narration Problem-solving letter. e.g. Healthcare reform
J2 Due the 5th week on February 23
Topic: Dali Lama’s “The Ethic of Compassion.”
E2 Due the 7th week on March 9
Describe a politician—past or present—whose behavior seems to mirror Machiavelli’s advice.
J3 Due the 8th week on March 16
Topic: Assess the worth of a Web site.
E3 Due the 11th week on April 6 Compare & Contrast News media analysis: Leftist versus Rightist.
J4 Due the 12th week on April 13
Topic: Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience.”
E4 Due the 14th week on April 28
Does Sophocles’ Oedipus Have an Oedipus Complex?
J5 Due 15th week on May 4
Topic: Research the etymological origin of a word or an ancestral proverb.
E5 In-class final the 17th week on May 18 Persuasion Gandhi’s Seven Social Sins.
Reading Quizzes
Quiz No. 1: 3rd wk February 9 Quiz No. 2: 6th wk. March 2 Quiz No. 3: 10th wk. March 30 Quiz No. 4: 13th wk April 20 Quiz No. 5: 16th wk. May 11
MLK January 17 Spring Recess March 21-27
Presidents’ Day February 21 Grades due May 26
I reserve the right to change the syllabus at any time to better serve the needs of this class.
Reading Quizzes Professor Vázquez English 101 Assigned Readings
Quiz No. 1: Chapter 1: Decisions in the Writing Process (2-18) Chapter 2: Decisions in Planning (19-47) □ Journalist Questions and Questions to Ask (31) Chapter 3: Decisions in Drafting (48-64) □ Opening and Closing Strategies (51-56) Chapter 4: Decisions in Revising (64-79) □ A Checklist for Revision (64) and Proofreading (75)
Chapter 11: Narration (182-197) Chapter 12: Providing Examples: Illustration (198-210)
Quiz No. 2: Chapter 9: Various Goals and Decisions about Reading and Writing (154-169) □ Questions for Critical Reading (159) Chapter 10: Description (170-181)
Chapter 5: Revising Content (80-94) Chapter 6: Revising Paragraphs (95-112)
Quiz No. 3: Chapter 13 Division and Classification (211-225) Chapter 14 Process Analysis (226-243) Chapter 16 Comparison and Contrast (264-279) Chapter 17 Definition (280-298)
Quiz No. 4: Chapter 15 Causal Analysis (244-263) Chapter 18 Persuasive Argument (299-326)
Chapter 7: Revising the Sentences (113-132)
Quiz No. 5: Chapter 19 Special Issues in Persuasion (327-351) □ Ethics in Persuasive Writing (339) □ Identify the logical fallacy (348-349
Chapter 8 Revising the Words and Phrases: Fine Tuning (133-151)
Editing a category
You can edit a category which gives you access to change the Parent category (if applicable), change the name of the category, add or edit the course category description, and force a theme for the category (if enabled in Administration block > Appearance > Themes > Theme Settings).
If the category is visible, the course category description will be displayed to users when they enter the category, above the list of courses.
Adding sub course categories
Course sub-categories may be created by adding a new course category then using the "move category to" drop-down menu to move the category inside another category. Similarly, sub-sub-categories etc. may be created.
You can add sub-categories directly in the category you want it in. Simply enter the course category, Turn Editing On, and click 'Add a sub-category'.
Hiding categories
Categories may be easily hidden or shown via Administration block > Courses > Add/edit courses. Click on the icon to show or hide a category. Hidden categories are only visible to site administrators. By default, all courses inside a hidden category are not available for students to access, but you can go to Administration > Front Page >Front Page Settings and click the checkbox to 'Allow visible courses in hidden categories'.
Setting category depth
You can limit the number of categories that are displayed in the front page 'List of Categories' or 'Combo List' by adding the following line to your config.php:
$CFG->max_category_depth = n;
Where n is the maximum number of categories you wish to display.
Assigning users a role in a course category
To assign users a role in a course category, access Site Administration > Courses > Add/edit courses, click on the course category then click the 'Assign roles' link at top right of the page.
See also
- Edit category settings in Moodle 1.9 onwards
Using Moodle forum discussions: