User policies
Template:Moodle 1.7Location: Administration > Users > Permissions > User policies
Default role for all users
The default role for all users should generally be set to Authenticated user (Moodle 1.8 onwards) or Guest (Moodle 1.7). If it is set to Student then the result is that all students are enrolled on all courses.
Auto-login guest
If not set, then visitors must click the "Login as a guest" button before entering a course which allows guest access.
Note: If auto-login guest is set, the guest login button also needs to be set to show (via Administration > Users > Authentication), even though visitors won't necessarily use it.
Roles that are not synchronised to metacourses
Metacourses combine enrolments from multiple courses. You will probably want users to have the same role in the metacourse as in the normal courses. If not, select the roles which should not be synchronised.
Hide user fields
User fields appear on users' profile pages. You can increase student privacy by hiding selected user fields.