Grade history

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Revision as of 13:48, 11 May 2020 by Daniela Rotelli (talk | contribs)
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What is Grade history?

Accessed from Course administration > Grade administration > Grade history, the Grade history report allows teachers to select specific students, grade items and/or graders and view the grading history for certain dates.

It is possible to view only revised grades and to download the data in various format such as .csv or an Excel/Libre Office spreadsheet.



Note: If your course contains quizzes or workshops, then you will see your students listed in the 'Grader' dropdown. This is expected as they are graders in a workshop and self-grade in a quiz.

Site administration settings

The administrator can decide how many history entries will be displayed per page in the Grade history report by specifying a number in Site adminstration > Grades > Report settings > Grade history. The default is 50.

Disabling grade history

Grade history may be disabled, or the history only kept for a specified period, by editing the settings in Site administration > Server > Cleanup Diabling grade history may speed up the server a little and conserve space in the database.