Development:Quiz UI redesign scenarios - Configuring exam

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Configuring exam

To be extended: It is questionable whether configuration should be a topic of any scenarios. It would be more fruitful to examine the different needs, with which users come to the configuration screen.

  • Setting roles on exams
  • Timing
  • Display
    • Needs related to keeping exams secure
  • Attempts
    • Needs related to keeping exams secure
    • Pedagogical needs (adaptive mode)
  • Grades
    • Pedagogical needs
  • Security
    • Needs related to keeping exams secure
  • Common module settings
    • Pedagogical needs

Mack Marketing

Since Mack's exams are of essay type, it makes less difference to him if students copy questions -- though he does use random questions from categories. Answers are harder to copy since Mack tests conceptual understanding.

Ida Informatics

To keep the exam valid indefinitely, Ida wants to take all the precautions possible to prevent students from copying questions or answers.

Harvey Historian

Even if some student somehow happened to get all of the questions in Harvey's question bank, after learning good answers to all of them that student would essentially have earned his good grade, anyway.