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{{Course admin}}
{{Managing questions}}
{{Moodle 1.6}}
This feature allows a teacher to create, preview, and edit questions in a database of question categories. The categories can be limited to being used on the site, course or quiz level. The questions in a category can be added to a [[Quiz module|Quiz]] or to a [[Lesson module|lesson activity]] via an export process. The teacher enters the question bank by creating or editing a quiz activity or via ''Course administration > Question bank''
This allows you to create and edit questions in the course question bank. These questions can then be used in any supported course activity such as [[Quizzes]].  

The page has tabs that allow you to [[Questions#Edit questions|edit questions]], [[question/category|edit categories]], [[questions/import|import questions]] and [[questions/export|export questions]].
==Select a category==
Questions are organised into categories. Initially each course has only one category called "Default". It is good practice to create more categories to organize your questions. This not only makes it easier to find questions, but makes the use of random questions and matching question easier. You can create a hierarchy of categories because you can create subcategories inside parent categories. To add or edit categories click on the "[[Question categories|Categories]]" tab.
==Edit questions==
===Selecting a category===
Questions are organised into categories. Initially each course has only one category called "Default". It is good practice to create more categories to organize your questions. You can create a hierarchy of categories because you can create subcategories inside parent categories. To add or edit categories click on the "[[question/category|Categories]]" tab.

The question editing screen shows the questions from the currently selected category. You choose this category from the '''Category:''' drop-down menu. Using the tick box below that menu you determine whether to also show the questions from all subcategories.
The question editing screen shows the questions from the currently selected category. You choose this category from the '''Category:''' drop-down menu. Using the tick box below that menu you determine whether to also show the questions from all subcategories.

===Adding a new question===
===Categories are shared in contexts===
#From the '''Category:''' drop-down menu, select a category you want to add a question to.
#The area below the category will then display the question creation block.
#Select the question type you want to create from the '''Create new question''' drop-down menu.
#Fill in the form for the question type you are creating.
#Click Save Changes at the bottom of the form.
Each [[Questions#Question types|question type]] has it’s own form and has it’s own options.
===Preview, Edit, Delete, and Move===
The first column in the list of questions contains a number of icons and a selection box.
Clicking on the '''Preview''' icon will open a preview window in which you can test the question. The '''Edit''' icon allows you to edit the question via the same form that you used to create it. The '''Delete''' icon deletes the question, provided it is not already in use in some activity. The selection box allows you to select a subset of questions that you can then move to another category using the controls below the list of questions.
==Question types==
You may add a variety of different types of questions:
===Multiple choice===
Moodle provides you with a lot of flexibility when creating this common question type. Figure 5-5 shows an example question. You can create single answer and multiple answer questions, display pictures in the question and weight individual answers.
Figure 5-5. A multiple-choice question
There are two types of multiple choice questions - single answer and multiple answer.
;Single-answer questions
:These questions allow one and only one answer to be chosen by providing radio buttons next to the answers. You will specify non-negative marks for each answer, usually zero marks for wrong answers, maximum marks for correct answers and partial marks for partially correct answers.
;Multiple-answer questions
:These questions allow one or more answers to be chosen by providing check boxes next to the answers. Each answer may carry a positive or negative grade, so that choosing ALL the options will not necessarily result in good grade. If the total grade is negative then the total grade for this question will be zero. Careful: it is possible to create questions that have scores greater than 100%.
Figure 5-6 shows the multiple choice editing page.
Figure 5-6. Editing a Multiple Choice Question
To set up a multiple choice question you proceed as follows:
#Start out by giving the question a descriptive name. You’ll use the name to track your questions later so “Question 1” isn’t a good idea. The name will be used in the question lists on the quiz editing page. It will not be shown to the students, so you can choose any name that makes sense to you and possibly other teachers.
#Create the question text. If you’re using the HTML Editor, you can format the question just like a word processing document
#If you want to add an image to the question, you have two options
##If you’ve already uploaded an image to your Files area (see Chapter 4 for details), it will be available to add to the question stem in a dropdown menu under the Question text area
##If you’re using the HTML editor, you can click the image icon. This will pop-up the Insert Image window. You can choose to upload an image into your files area from this window, or you can add the URL of an image on the web. If you add a file to your files area, click the name of the file after you upload it to insert the link into the URL text entry at the top of the screen. Then click OK.
#Choose whether students can only select one answer or multiple answers
#Write your first answer in the Choice 1 text field.
#Select a grade percentage for the answer. This is the percentage of the total points for the question that selecting this response is worth. You can select negative percentages as well as positive percentages. So if a question is worth 10 points, selecting a correct response in a multiple answer question may give you 50% of the possible points. Selecting a wrong answer may take away 10%.
#If you wish, you can add feedback for each response. It may be a bit ore work, but it’s good practice to tell the students why each answer is right or wrong using the feedback area.  If students know why an answer is right or wrong, they can analyze their own thinking and being to understand why an answer is correct. Your feedback will only be displayed if you select Show Feedback in the quiz body options.
#Fill in the rest of the response choices in the rest of the form. Any unused areas will be ignored.
#Select the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the screen.
You have now added a multiple choice question to the question category.
===Short answer===
In response to a question (that may include a image), the respondent types a word or phrase. There may several possible correct answers, with different grades. Answers may or may not be sensitive to case.
To create a short answer question:
#Give your question a descriptive name
#Create the question stem. If you want students to fill in a blank, use the underscore to indicate where the blank is.
#Select an image to display if you want to add a picture to the question (see step 3 in the multiple choice description above for more detail).
#Choose whether capitalization is important. Case sensitivity can be tricky. Will you accept george washingtion as well as George Washington as an answer?
#Next, fill in the answers you will accept. You can give each answer a percentage of the grade as well. You could give common misspellings partial credit with this option. If the "Case sensitive" option is selected, then you can have different scores for "Word" or "word".
#Create feedback for each acceptable answer.
#Click Save Changes to add the question to the category
You can use the asterisk character (*) as a wildcard to match any series of characters. For example, use ran*ing to match any word or phrase starting with "ran" and ending with "ing". If you really do want to match an asterisk then use a backslash like this: \*
Without wildcards the answers are compared exactly, so be careful with your spelling!
You may like to prototype your short answer questions to catch common acceptable answers you hadn’t thought of. Start out by creating a few acceptable answers, then include the question in a quiz for no points. Be sure to tell students you are testing a new question. Once the quiz is over, review students’ answers and add their acceptable answers to the list.
From the student perspective, a numerical question looks just like a short-answer question. The difference is that numerical answers are allowed to have an accepted error. This allows a continuous range of answers to be set.
For example, if the answer is 30 with an accepted error of 5, then any number between 25 and 35 will be accepted as correct.
Numerical questions can also have case-insensitive non-numerical answers. This is useful whenever the answer for a numerical question is something like N/A, +inf, -inf, NaN etc.
Figure 5-8. Numerical Question
To create a numerical question
#Give the question a descriptive name (This is only seen in the question list that you see as a teacher when you are putting together a quiz)
#Type the equation or numerical question for your students to solve
Moodle has a various text filters that allow you to type an equation and have it properly typeset when displayed. The Moodle Algebra filter is very good for writing common matematical expressions in a simple way. More complicated expressions kan use the TeX syntax. If they don't work the administrator may have not enabled them.
#Select an image to display if you want to add a picture to the question (see step 3 in the multiple choice description above for more detail).
#Enter the correct answer. 23.4 23,4 and 2.34E+1 would all work. (you can only add one correct answer in the user interface. If you import the question with a GIFT format file you can specifiy multiple answer(intervals) with accompanying feedback and point-percentage. This is done similar to the CLOZE [[Numerical]] format. There is no units support in the Cloze type.) It is possible, though not simple, to get support for  several answer intervals '''and''' unit support if you create the question in the numerical interface and export it in Moodle XML format. Than you can duplicate the <answer> segment and put in another answer interval and the feedback and grading factor you want for that interval. Than import it again. You will not be able to edit the question in the normal numerical interface though.
#Enter the accepted error, the range above or below the correct answer. For example, if the correct answer is 5, but you will accept 4 or 6 as answers, your accepted error is 1.
#Enter feedback for the question. It is possible to use all kinds of HTML formating for the feedback but it must be written by hand. Unfortunately (in 1.5.3 anyhow) it is right justified and has no identifying formatting.
#Units can be specified and work to a degree. Unfortunately if the student answers with the right number but no unit he can get full points. And if he thinks of another unit and has the right number and no unit, he gets no differentiated feedback, just wrong. You must also give the conversion factor . So if your main answer was '''5500''' with unit '''W''' and you wanted to allow the unit '''kW''' you would have to specify the factor '''0.001'''. If you wanted to allow '''Watt''' you would use the factor '''1'''.
#Click Save Changes to add the question to the category
In response to a question (that may include an image), the respondent selects from two options: True or False.
If feedback is enabled, then the appropriate feedback message is shown to the respondent after answering the quiz. For example, if the correct answer is "False", but they answer "True" (getting it wrong) then the "True" feedback is shown.
After an optional introduction, the respondent is presented with several sub-questions and several jumbled answers. There is one correct answer for each question.
The respondent must select an answer to match each sub-question.
Each sub-question is equally weighted to contribute towards the grade for the total question.
===Embedded answers (Cloze)===
[[Cloze|Embedded answers (Cloze)]] questions consist of a passage of text (in Moodle format) that has various answers embedded within it, including multiple choice, short answers and numerical answers.

Questions consist of a passage of text (in Moodle format) that has various answers embedded within it, including multiple choice, short answers and numerical answers.
There are separate question category trees in each different 'context' in which questions are shared. The contexts available to you depend on whether you access the question bank from an activity or from a course and depend on the permissions assigned you for access to questions. See [[Question contexts]] for more information on these contexts.

There is currently no graphical interface to create these questions - you need to specify the question format using the text box or by importing them from external files.
==Add a new question==
# Click the ''Questions'' tab to access the Question Bank page, if not there already.
# From the '''Category''' drop-down menu, select a category you want to add a question to.
# The page will change to show the questions already in that category
# Select the question type you want to create from the '''Create new question''' drop-down menu.
# Fill in the form for the question type you are creating. Each [[Question types|question type]] has its own form and has its own options.
# Click ''Save Changes'' at the bottom of the form.

===Random short-answer matching===
==Edit, duplicate, preview, delete, move and tag==

From the student perspective, this looks just like a Matching question. The difference is that the subquestions are drawn randomly from Short Answer questions in the current category.

After an optional introduction, the respondent is presented with several sub-questions and several jumbled answers. There is one correct answer for each question.

The respondent must select an answer to match each sub-question.
Each question in the question bank has four icons which allow you to tag, edit, quickly duplicate, preview and delete the question. (The question may not be deleted if it is already in use elsewhere.)  To duplicate a question, click the duplicate icon (second from the left) and a copy of the question editing screen will appear. You can either edit this new copy or simply scroll down and click "Save changes."To move a question into a different category or subcategory, click into the box on its left; scroll down to "With Selected..." and choose "Move to.."

Each sub-question is equally weighted to contribute towards the grade for the total question.
{{New features}}
A new tag icon allows you to tag questions directly from the question bank. You can then search and filter by tagged questions.

The questions and answers are randomly drawn from the pool of "Short Answer" questions in the current category. Each attempt on a quiz will have different questions and answers.

==Tips and tricks==
*Put the answer into the question name so you can quickly see the answers when students are asking for answers. This is especially useful if you're dealing with large sets of questions! (No option yet for viewing category or answer of question in the list of questions.)
*Export questions in GIFT or Moodle XML formats, then import them into a Lesson. (Future versions of Moodle will make Question bank available to both Lesson and Quiz activities.)
*Remember that while some of the same question types can be found in both the Quiz and Lesson modules, they can be very different.  Scoring and grading each student's choice is more robust in a Quiz.  On the other hand, each Lesson question answer also has a [[Jumps|jump]] associated it.
*Use GIFT or other export modes to print questions and answers in a category.  Hint, clever use of word processor macros, using search and replace, can tidy up a GIFT file for printing.
*The question title is useful in sorting and making notes. For example, "ZZ remove 2010-3 Why did the Moodler cross", will put this question at the bottom of the list.  Or where you want a 'the' questions in a category to appear in a specific order, use letters or numbers, knowing that AA will come first, AB will be second in the list.
*Do a copy and paste from a PDF file into the question content area.  Reduces "other" hidden code which Word, Open Office and other programs can insert.

This is not a real question. It simply prints some text (and possibly graphics) without requiring an answer. This can be used to provide some information to be used by a following group of questions, for example.
==Sharing and Managing Question banks==

Be default, teachers can manage only the questions in the context of the courses they are in. You can set up a role to allow teachers to share and manager questions on a larger scale.

Calculated questions offer a way to create individual numerical questions by the use of wildcards that are substituted with individual values when the quiz is taken.
You can also use this role to create a special system-wide "Question bank Manager" instead of giving admin level or site-wide Manager access to a person managing the Questions.


*[[How to let teachers share questions between courses]]
*[[How to minimize the question bank when doing backup/restore]]
*Quiz Question Bank: Quiz level vs Course level - Forum Discussion:

[[es:Banco de Preguntas]]

Latest revision as of 17:34, 20 June 2020

This feature allows a teacher to create, preview, and edit questions in a database of question categories. The categories can be limited to being used on the site, course or quiz level. The questions in a category can be added to a Quiz or to a lesson activity via an export process. The teacher enters the question bank by creating or editing a quiz activity or via Course administration > Question bank

Select a category

Questions are organised into categories. Initially each course has only one category called "Default". It is good practice to create more categories to organize your questions. This not only makes it easier to find questions, but makes the use of random questions and matching question easier. You can create a hierarchy of categories because you can create subcategories inside parent categories. To add or edit categories click on the "Categories" tab.

The question editing screen shows the questions from the currently selected category. You choose this category from the Category: drop-down menu. Using the tick box below that menu you determine whether to also show the questions from all subcategories.

Categories are shared in contexts

There are separate question category trees in each different 'context' in which questions are shared. The contexts available to you depend on whether you access the question bank from an activity or from a course and depend on the permissions assigned you for access to questions. See Question contexts for more information on these contexts.

Add a new question

  1. Click the Questions tab to access the Question Bank page, if not there already.
  2. From the Category drop-down menu, select a category you want to add a question to.
  3. The page will change to show the questions already in that category
  4. Select the question type you want to create from the Create new question drop-down menu.
  5. Fill in the form for the question type you are creating. Each question type has its own form and has its own options.
  6. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the form.

Edit, duplicate, preview, delete, move and tag


Each question in the question bank has four icons which allow you to tag, edit, quickly duplicate, preview and delete the question. (The question may not be deleted if it is already in use elsewhere.) To duplicate a question, click the duplicate icon (second from the left) and a copy of the question editing screen will appear. You can either edit this new copy or simply scroll down and click "Save changes."To move a question into a different category or subcategory, click into the box on its left; scroll down to "With Selected..." and choose "Move to.."

New feature
in Moodle 3.5!

A new tag icon allows you to tag questions directly from the question bank. You can then search and filter by tagged questions.


Tips and tricks

  • Put the answer into the question name so you can quickly see the answers when students are asking for answers. This is especially useful if you're dealing with large sets of questions! (No option yet for viewing category or answer of question in the list of questions.)
  • Export questions in GIFT or Moodle XML formats, then import them into a Lesson. (Future versions of Moodle will make Question bank available to both Lesson and Quiz activities.)
  • Remember that while some of the same question types can be found in both the Quiz and Lesson modules, they can be very different. Scoring and grading each student's choice is more robust in a Quiz. On the other hand, each Lesson question answer also has a jump associated it.
  • Use GIFT or other export modes to print questions and answers in a category. Hint, clever use of word processor macros, using search and replace, can tidy up a GIFT file for printing.
  • The question title is useful in sorting and making notes. For example, "ZZ remove 2010-3 Why did the Moodler cross", will put this question at the bottom of the list. Or where you want a 'the' questions in a category to appear in a specific order, use letters or numbers, knowing that AA will come first, AB will be second in the list.
  • Do a copy and paste from a PDF file into the question content area. Reduces "other" hidden code which Word, Open Office and other programs can insert.

Sharing and Managing Question banks

Be default, teachers can manage only the questions in the context of the courses they are in. You can set up a role to allow teachers to share and manager questions on a larger scale.

You can also use this role to create a special system-wide "Question bank Manager" instead of giving admin level or site-wide Manager access to a person managing the Questions.
