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The policy settings control whether the old (prior to 3.5) or new policy process is enabled. The old process used the two fields of sitepolicy and sitepolicyguest to embed a webpage into the login process that someone had to agree to.

Datenschutz der Website


When this setting is set to default (core) this enables the existing default policy handler in Moodle. To enable the new features for managing and versioning of policies this needs to be set to “Policies (tool_policy)”. The new method uses the tool_policy plugin for GDPR compliance. However, in the future other systems could be added or can be developed as custom plugins.

Richtlinien-Plugin aktivieren

  1. Gehen Sie auf die Seite Website-Administration > Nutzer/innen > Datenschutz und Richtlinien > Richtlinieneinstellungen.
  2. Im Auswahlmenü Datenschutz der Website wählen Sie die Option Richtlinien (tool_policy).
  3. Klicken Sie auf den Button Änderungen sichern.

Danach erscheinen zwei neue Punkte unter Website-Administration > Nutzer/innen > Datenschutz und Richtlinien:

  • Richtlinien verwalten
  • Nutzerbestätigungen

URL zur Datenschutzinformation

Note that when Policies is set as the site policy handler, the settings 'Site policy' and 'Site policy for guests' are ignored.

A site policy may be enabled by entering the URL in 'Policy settings' in the Site administration. The URL can point to any type of file anywhere online that can be accessed without a log in to your Moodle.

  • It is not recommended that a page resource is used as a site policy, since the site header will be repeated in the iframe (see MDL-30486).
  • It is recommended that the site policy is on the same domain as Moodle to avoid the problem of Internet Explorer users seeing a blank screen when the site policy is on a different domain.
  • The site policy will be displayed in a frame. You can view it via the URL
  • If Email-based self-registration is enabled on the site, a link to the site policy is displayed on the signup page.
  • When a site policy URL is set, all users will be required to agree to it when they next log in before accessing the rest of the site.
  • A site policy for guests may also be enabled. Guest users will need to agree to it before accessing a course with Guest access enabled.

(In versions of Moodle prior to 3.4.2, the the Site policy URL and Site policy URL for guests settings were located in 'Site policies'.)

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