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Talk:Cron with Windows OS

From MoodleDocs
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Needs to have Windows CLI checked for Moodle 2.x . I do not use this --Chris collman 22:35, 19 November 2011 (WST) Where it says you can test cron by running it a more detailed explanation might help new users figure out where it is. For example, on windows server 2008 it is at Server Manager and navigating through the console tree to Server Manager | Configuration | Task Scheduler. Easiest cross platform way to test cron is just go to http://localhost/moodle/admin/cron.php rather than cmd or services.msc. Also it would be nice to say the service is not called cron but Moodle cron. I know I'm too wordy and don't want to mess up the main page but maybe someone will get my idea and help better.