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Development:Paint tool integration

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 16:34, 7 July 2009 by Mihai Sucan (talk | contribs) (thoughts on the moodle api which allows html editor usage)

PaintWeb is the paint tool which is going to be integrated into Moodle. For more information about PaintWeb please read the project specification.


PaintWeb is currently a strictly client-side project, a Web application. It provides an API for developers who wish to extend its functionality, via new drawing tools, new extensions and new commands.

The plan is to integrate PaintWeb in Moodle in the appropriate places. Meaning, in some cases, users would like to be able to edit images, in place, in the HTML editor (TinyMCE mostly). Another place of integration would be the file manager - there users should be allowed to pick images files and edit them. Another use-case for PaintWeb is separate loading, stand-alone usage - for example a page which only allows the user to draw on the Canvas and save the result.

PaintWeb already includes a TinyMCE plugin which allows users to start editing any image in the HTML document. The plugin allows users to start editing an image by clicking an Edit button which shows overlayed on top of images when they are selected. Additionally, users can right-click an image to pick the Edit in PaintWeb. Lastly, when the advanced theme is used, the paintwebEdit button is also available.

Things to take into consideration:

  • PaintWeb can only edit images from the same domain, due to security restrictions. This means that any image from a different domain is either denied from editing, or we can use a server-side script which downloads the image locally on the server. The latter option is more cumbersome, and I believe it implies some security risks: the user can point to arbitrary malicious files which the server downloads and sends back to the browser. The TinyMCE plugin I have does not allow the users to edit of any image from a different domain.
  • The TinyMCE plugin needs to be loaded dynamically. The PaintWeb image editor should not show up in all cases where TinyMCE is used. Thus, Moodle needs an API which other developers can use to show the HTML editor and configure it: "hey, I want PaintWeb as well!" or not.
  • There's an important difference between the use of PaintWeb inside TinyMCE and standalone use. Inside TinyMCE the user already has a dialog for inserting images - thus in PaintWeb we do not need an option to load another image. In PaintWeb-TinyMCE we only need the options to save and cancel the changes. In a standalone instance of PaintWeb we might want to allow the user to load and save images at will. The file manager use-case is the same as in TinyMCE: the file manager handles the files itself, PaintWeb should be strictly the image editor (with save/cancel).

Given the above, here is what I consider needs to be done:

  • Moodle 2 has an API for inserting the HTML editor (TinyMCE) anywhere desired. This API needs to be extended such that the developer can tell which plugins need to be loaded - in this case PaintWeb.
  • Moodle 2 has a File API which needs to be used by PaintWeb when the file save/load operations are performed. On the client-side of things this can be done by writing an extension for PaintWeb which handles events like imageSave. PaintWeb in Moodle needs some "common backend" which handles image save/load in all use-cases.
  • It should be noted that having a PaintWeb extensions specific for Moodle would replace the need of having custom patches applied to PaintWeb - like Moodle does for TinyMCE.
  • The PaintWeb script needs to communicate with the server to perform file load/save. So, on the server-side these operations can be handled by a piece of common code, e.g. /lib/paintweblib.php. Suggestions for a different file name / place are welcome. This PHP script needs to use the File API to perform the desired operations. An API needs to be exposed by this file, an API others can use to integrate PaintWeb in a standalone page. For example paintweb_setup() which sets-up the required JS file in the page, for the current page. Then paintweb_insert(options) to insert the PaintWeb initialization code, with user-defined options.
  • The upcoming file manager needs an API for adding "file handlers". For example, PaintWeb can be a file handler for images. Thus, a button, or some context menu item for images could be displayed Edit this image in PaintWeb.

The Moodle editors API

Currently, developers who want to have a textarea element in their page with TinyMCE can do the following:

// setup the page requirements (JS files needed to be loaded) editors_head_setup();

// get an instance of the editor $editor = get_preferred_texteditor(FORMAT_HTML);

// use the editor: textarea element ID, and options. $editor->use_editor('elementId', array('noclean'=>true));

echo '<textarea rows="20" cols="10" id="elementId">some HTML</textarea>';

According to Petr Škoda, the developer of the API, the API still needs lots of work. Personally I consider the API only needs ... further work. Here's how I'd like to do things:


 array('imageEditing' => true,
       'mathEditing' => true


Basically, I don't think there's something inherently "bad" about the current API. I only want to tell the editor instance "hey, I'd like image editing, math editing, etc, if possible".

I'd say try to keep things abstracted. So, if I say in the options array I want image editing, then TinyMCE can load the PaintWeb plugin. If I want math editing, then load dragmath and anything related.

The way each editor implements these features should be left up to the editor itself.

Obviously, based on such options, even the editor GUI can be altered: say if the PaintWeb plugin is desired, then the paintwebEdit button can be included in the theme toolbar.

Additionally, we should have options for configuring the GUI - but not something tied to the TinyMCE config. I don't think the API should go down the road of allowing the direct input of TinyMCE configuration options. If that's desired, then do not have multiple editors. Switch to a single editor: TinyMCE and have all the API tailored to this editor.