Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.3. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is probably available here: Migration from Moodle.

Migration from Moodle

From MoodleDocs
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Moodle can create a backup file of any single course, which is a fairly straightforward zip file which can be downloaded and processed to move the data to some other system. The files are stored in a logical structure and can be simply copied across. However, the "moodle.xml" data file which defines much of the course structure is a Moodle-specific XML file. In order to import its data into some other LMS you may need to process it (e.g. use an XSLT transformation to convert it into an IMS format which your LMS is happy with).

Similarly, many individual items within a Moodle course can be exported.

  • SCORM objects are the recognised standard content interoperability format, and so of course they can be downloaded and plugged into some other system.
  • Glossaries can be downloaded (again, as a non-standard XML file, but very simple and should be easy to process)
  • Quiz questions can be exported in IMS QTI 2.0 format. This is the international standard which most modern LMSes/assessment tools can handle.

See also