Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.3. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is probably available here: Step by Step Installation on a Mac OS X 10.5 Server.

Step by Step Installation on a Mac OS X 10.5 Server: Difference between revisions

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#REDIRECT [[Obsolete:Step by Step Installation on a Mac OS X Server]]
This guide shows all steps for the installation of Moodle on a [ Mac OS X 10.5 Server]. This server is a commercial product.
This installation guide can't be useful for an installation on MAMP or XAMPP. If you are looking for an easy way to install Moodle on your local machine please use [[Complete Install Packages for Mac OS X | Complete install packages for Mac OS X 10.4/10.5/10.6]] that can be downloaded from ... but if you are planning to set up a Moodle internet server on a Mac then you should think about some more security as the ever local package could give.
Please feel free to add your ideas and wishes to the discussion page for this article. You may also write a complete chapter if you tried the facts yourself on your own Mac Server. I am most interested to make the things better.
==System requirements==
+ Apple Computer
+ Mac mini, Mac Pro or Xserve
+ Processor:  Intel Core 2 Duo
+ RAM: 2 GB or better
+ Hard Disk: 500 MB free
+ System Software: Mac OS X 10.5 Server
==Install PHP 5.3.0 and the GD Library on the Mac OS X 10.5 Server==
<div style="background-color: yellow; padding: 5px;"><b>Note:</b> <br />If you want to install Moodle 1.8.x on the server you need to get the Entropy PHP-5.2.9-7.pkg for the following steps. Moodle 1.8.9 does not run with PHP 5.3.0 in this moment. All the other things should work in the same way for all Moodle versions.</div>
The Mac OS X Server 10.5.6 Leopard comes with PHP 5.2.6 ... this is correct for Moodle 1.9.x. But you have to add the missing GD Library support to get Moodle running on your server. For Moodle 2.0 the server needs PHP 5.2.8 (or better) and some more PHP extensions ... in this case you must get a better PHP version. These instructions are helpful in both cases.
To see which PHP version and extensions are installed on your server you should edit the file ''/Library/WebServer/Documents/info.php''. You must activate the function call phpinfo() by deleting the both slashes // at the start of the function line. After saving the file you can get all PHP informations in your browser. Please look at http://your-server-address/info.php ... you will not find any GD library support ... bad thing for Moodle!!
// You can use Server Admin to enable the Apache PHP module; it's disabled by default.
// You can uncomment the phpinfo() directive below to provide a default PHP info page
// but note that this displays information about your host's configuration.
The easiest way to get the GD library support and to get a better PHP version would be the installation of the complete PHP 5.3.0 package from Marc Liyanage precompiled this package to use it on Mac clients and Mac servers. Please get the package and install it by following the instructions on the download page. The installer does everything for you ... it copies PHP into the correct folder ''/usr/local/php5'' and changes its owner to ''root'' automatically.
Now the Apache web server must get knowledge that you want to use the new PHP library instead of the old. Open the application Server Admin to switch to the new library. Go to the web server settings and find the entry php5_module. The normal place for PHP the Mac server is ''libexec/apache2/''. Please change to ''/usr/local/php5/'' and save the settings.
The second thing to configure is the file php.ini. You will find this file inside the new package folder. Open the file ''/usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini'' and edit some settings for Moodle. Most of the settings are okay but not all of them. To communicate to the MySQL database with PHP you have to set the default socket name for local MySQL connects. The default socket name for local MySQLi connects is needed for Moodle 2.0.
If you want to upload any file to your Moodle you should add  a little bit more upload size in php.ini. If your server can't use more than 1 GB RAM you should set the memory_limit to a value less than 128M ... but it should have more than 48M for Moodle 1.9 and Moodle 2.0.  Note that these sections are not likely to be consecutive in the php.ini file; the quickest way to find each one is search on the initial term (such as 'mysql.default_socket').
; Default socket name for local MySQL connects. 
; If empty, uses the built-in MySQL defaults.
mysql.default_socket = /var/mysql/mysql.sock
; Default socket name for local MySQL connects. 
; If empty, uses the built-in MySQL defaults.
mysqli.default_socket = /var/mysql/mysql.sock
; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)
memory_limit = 128M   
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 128M
; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
post_max_size = 128M
That's all ... save the file php.ini and restart the web server. Now you should look at http://your-server-address/info.php again. I hope that everything will be okay. You will find the version number PHP 5.3.0 and the running GD library support. Congratulations ... the first step for Moodle on the Mac server is done!
==Configure the MySQL database for your Moodle installation==
In standard case the database MySQL is installed on the Mac OS X 10.5 Server but it is not running yet. Please make sure that you start the MySQL database server.
===Use the graphical way===
Sorry ... there are some more installations and a lot of clicks to configure MySQL in a graphical way.
First of all start the ''Server Admin''. You will find this program by the way ''Applications > Server > Server Admin''. Activate MySQL on the local server. You must set the password for the user ''root'' before you can start MySQL.
For the next you must download the MySQL database administration tool '''phpMyAdmin''' from . Move the folder to the web server documents as ''/Library/WebServer/Documents/phpMyAdmin''.
Add the security phrase to the file '''' in between the single quotes on the line $cfg['blowfish_secret'] = ''; /* YOU MUST FILL IN THIS FOR COOKIE AUTH! */
Now you will be able to start http://your-server-address/phpMyAdmin/ in your browser and to log into the database as the user ''root''. Add a database ''moodle19''. Add a database user ''moodle'' to the server ''localhost''. Don't forget to set a secure password. The database user ''moodle'' should be allowed to administrate the database ''moodle19'' only. It is a bad way to set ''root'' to administrate the database ''moodle19''. If you want to install also Moodle 2.0 dev please add a second database ''moodle20'' and use the same database user for it.
phpMyAdmin is a nice thing to look into the database while Moodle is running for some time. It's much easier to see in the graphical interface than in the command line tools. The image shows the database after Moodle 1.9 and Moodle 2.0 were already installed on this server.
===Use the Terminal===
If you want a quick installation then don't fear to use the Terminal. It's easier to tell you all the commands for the right way with the Terminal than showing you all the pictures to do the same with graphical tools. There are only a few commands to do everything I told you before.
Start the Terminal. You will find this program by the way ''Applications > Tools > Terminal''. You will see that we must do the same steps as before but you can read them in a text form.
First of all you need to set the root password. If you didn't this before then use the first command line. If you want to change an existing password then use the second one.
Server:~ $ mysqladmin -u root password 'secret'
Server:~ $ mysqladmin -u root -p password 'topsecret'
The next steps are creating a new database ''moodle19'' with correct character set and setting up a database user ''moodle'', with an assigned password (IDENTIFIED BY), to administrate the new database ... and if you want, then do the same for ''moodle20''.
Server:~ $ mysqladmin -u root -p create moodle19
Server:~ $ mysql -u root -p
mysql> ALTER DATABASE moodle19 CHARSET 'utf8';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON moodle19.* TO moodle@localhost
    -> IDENTIFIED BY 'moodle!';
mysql> quit
Server:~ $
That's really all with the Terminal. You are just ready!
==Copy the Moodle files to the web server==
The documents for the web server are saved in the folder ''/Library/WebServer/Documents/''. You will place your Moodle folder here after you got it from Download the standard package MOODLE_19_WEEKLY because this is the best choice for new servers. Set the owner ''_www'' for the moodle folder ... this is the user for the web server. The folder permissions should be 755 before the installation and 555 after it's done ... please remember to set this later!
You also need the moodledata folder outside of the Documents folder ... so please make one. Go to the folder ''/Library/WebServer/'' and add the folder ''moodledata''. Because I want to install Moodle 1.9.x and Moodle 2.0 dev together on the same Mac server I add two folders ''moodle19'' and ''moodle20'' inside the moodledata folder. Please set the owner ''_www'' for both folders ''moodle19'' and ''moodle20'' and the folder permissions to 755.
cd /Library/WebServer/
mkdir moodledata
mkdir moodledata/moodle19
mkdir moodledata/moodle20
sudo chown -R _www moodledata
sudo chmod -R 755 moodledata
If you'd like to put the moodledata folder on another volume (not a bad idea if you think you'll have a substantial amount of data within the moodle), note that you cannot simply reference it using the /Volumes/<volume_name>/folder syntax during the moodle setup.  Instead, you'll need to create the folder (assigning the user and permissions), then create a '''link''' to it within the /Library/WebServer folder.  To create the link, use the following command in a terminal window, substituting your data volume and folder name:
cd /Library/WebServer
ln -s /Volumes/Data_Volume/moodledata moodledata
==Run the Moodle installation==
The installation on the Mac server is the same like the installation on every other server.
Open a web browser to http://your-server-address/moodle/install.php to begin the installation process. 
On the screen picture and in the shown config.php you see the web address ''your-server-address'' ... it's only a placeholder for a real address or url ... please set yours. Also a user 'moodle' with a password 'moodle' would be very unsafe settings for your installation.
The installer generates the config.php automatically and saves it in the folder ''/Library/WebServer/Documents/moodle19''. Please edit the config.php with a text editor and add the line ''date_default_timezone_set('UTC');''. You may change ''UTC'' to your own timezone ... this is needed for PHP 5.3.0.  In case you don't know all the relevant time zone identifiers by heart, there is a [ list available online].
<?php  /// Moodle Configuration File
$CFG->dbtype    = 'mysql';
$CFG->dbhost    = 'localhost';
$CFG->dbname    = 'moodle19';
$CFG->dbuser    = 'moodle';
$CFG->dbpass    = 'moodle';
$CFG->dbpersist =  false;
$CFG->prefix    = 'mdl_';
$CFG->wwwroot  = 'http://your-server-address/moodle19';
$CFG->dirroot  = '/Library/WebServer/Documents/moodle19';
$CFG->dataroot  = '/Library/WebServer/moodledata/moodle19';
$CFG->admin    = 'admin';
$CFG->directorypermissions = 00777;  // try 02777 on a server in Safe Mode
date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin'); // timezone for PHP 5.3.0
After this, the web-based installation component will walk you through '''several''' screens worth of database configurations and updates, for most of which you'll just click the continue button. You'll set up an admin user and give the site a basic configuration (title, description, etc).  When the installation is ready you should change the folder permission for ''/Library/WebServer/Documents/moodle19'' to 555 so the web server is not able to write into this folder again.
==Download the language packages==
==Moodle is running ...==
==How to setup the cron job with launchd==
It's really important to start the cron job every 5 minutes. The cron job assists most of Moodle's modules to perform tasks on a scheduled basis. For example, the discussion forums can only mail out copies of new posts to all subscribers if the cron job tells Moodle to do this.
In Mac OS X 10.5 you will find the system daemon ''launchd'' for this service. This daemon offers a standardized interface to any user and all programs started automatically by the system. Please look at for more information about the configurations and all parameters.
In our case the service should get the web page http://your-server-address/moodle19/admin/cron.php every 5 minutes. The configuration will be done by the file named ''moodle4mac.cron.plist'' which must be placed in the system folder ''/Library/LaunchDaemons/'' ... surely you can use any other file name but it should say something about the function of the service. The extension must be ''.plist''. After any reboot of your Mac server the cron service will start automaticly because the file is placed in the correct system folder.
===Use the graphical way===
You can use Lingon to add a new daemon plist or to edit one. It produces the same text as you can write in your text editor.
===Use a text editor===
Please use a text editor to write the needed file. You can open the Terminal and use the system editors vi or pico. But you can also write the text file with any GUI text editor ... I mostly use TextWrangler ... but do NOT take an editor for formatted texts like Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer. You must get pure text!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">
<key>RunAtLoad</key><true />
The label string must be the same as the file name is but without the extension ''.plist''. Save the text file ''/Library/LaunchDaemons/moodle4mac.cron.plist''. The owner of the file must be set to the system user ''root''. That's all, really!
===How to start and stop the cron service===
You can start the new cron service in the Terminal.
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/moodle4mac.cron.plist
The following command would stop the service. If you want to activate changes in the cron service you need to ''unload'' and then to ''load'' the daemon again.
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/moodle4mac.cron.plist
===Only one service for two servers?===
For my server I needed to have a cron service for to instances ''moodle19'' and ''moodle20'' ... no problem ... with the typo ''moodle[19-20]'' the server will get a cron service for both instances.
<nowiki>curl -s http://your-server-address/moodle[19-20]/admin/cron.php</nowiki>
To see if the cron service works correctly you should look at the ''access.log'' of your web server. The cron.php should be accessed every 5 minutes ... on my server for both Moodle instances ''moodle19'' and ''moodle20'' ... oh yes, it works!! - - [30/Jul/2009:22:10:56 +0200] "GET /moodle19/admin/cron.php HTTP/1.1" 200 1136 - - [30/Jul/2009:22:10:57 +0200] "GET /moodle20/admin/cron.php HTTP/1.1" 200 1403 - - [30/Jul/2009:22:11:18 +0200] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 - - - [30/Jul/2009:22:15:56 +0200] "GET /moodle19/admin/cron.php HTTP/1.1" 200 735 - - [30/Jul/2009:22:15:57 +0200] "GET /moodle20/admin/cron.php HTTP/1.1" 200 964 - - [30/Jul/2009:22:20:56 +0200] "GET /moodle19/admin/cron.php HTTP/1.1" 200 1136 - - [30/Jul/2009:22:20:57 +0200] "GET /moodle20/admin/cron.php HTTP/1.1" 200 1365
==How to update with CVS==
It is very simple to update your Moodle.
The only software you must have installed on your Apple server is the Xcode Tools package from your system installation media. You also must have an internet connection to get the files from the update server. After you installed the script file on your server desktop it only needs a doubleclick to get the newest Moodle version without downloading the complete installation package.
That's all .... really .... it's easy!!
#! /bin/sh
# CVS updater
#  for Moodle on a Mac OS X 10.5 Server
#  20100625 - Ralf Krause
export CVS_RSH=ssh
echo "+--------------------------------------------+"
echo "| CVS update for the Moodle server "
echo "+--------------------------------------------+"
cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/moodle19/
### file ~/.cvspass must exist
if ! test -e ~/.cvspass ; then
    touch ~/.cvspass
### login to the cvs server only for the first time
if ! grep "" ~/.cvspass > /dev/null ; then
    echo "CVS password is empty ... please only press <return> to start"
    sudo cvs -d login
echo "Connecting to the CVS server. Download will take a few moments!"
echo "If the CVS update runs too long you may break with <strg>-C"
sudo cvs -q update -dP -r MOODLE_19_WEEKLY
sudo chown -R _www .
The different versions of the update script are different in only two things ... first you need to choose the correct folder for the Moodle files and seconds you must input the correct CVS tag for the Moodle version in the last line. The shown script is for updating the version Moodle 1.9
* Moodle 1.8 uses <span style="color:red;">MOODLE_18_WEEKLY</span>
* Moodle 1.9 uses <span style="color:red;">MOODLE_19_WEEKLY</span>
* Moodle 2.0 dev uses <span style="color:red;">HEAD</span>
===More about Moodle and CVS ... ===
Please look at the documentation [[CVS for Administrators]] if you want to learn more.
<br />&nbsp;
===Install Xcode Tools on your Mac===
Xcode Tools is the developer tools package for Mac OS X. This package includes an integrated suite of software development tools, including compilers and applications.
If you do not know whether the Xcode Tools are installed on your Mac Server please look on your main harddrive. If there is a folder named Developer then I think you must do nothing.
If you cannot find this on your harddrive then you must install this package before following the instructions in this document. The Xcode Tools package is part of the Mac OS X installation media. You will find the Xcode Tools on your installation CD or DVD set.
If you do not find your installation media anymore you also can download the Xcode Tools from the URL It is free but you have to register as a developer. If you start the download from there please remember that the Xcode package brings a lot of bytes and will need a very few minutes to complete.
After you have put these things into your system you will see a new folder named Developer on your harddisk. If you only want to update your Moodle you do not need all these nice developer tools from the inside of the folder. Sorry about this but there is no separate installer for the CVS update process.
<br />&nbsp;
==User administration via LDAP==
The following settings will work on 10.5 Server running LDAP - edit them to customize to your own environment.  Please note that moodle requires some fields - it is best to have these fields completed in Workgroup Manager on 10.5 Server - otherwise they'll be prompted to enter info into their moodle profile on first login, but the way we've got it set up, moodle can't modify LDAP for security and data integrity.  The necessary fields are user name, first name, surname, Email address, City/Town, country, description, ID number.
Host URL =
Version = 3
LDAP encoding = utf-8
Hide passwords = Yes
Distinguished Name = (blank)
Password = (blank)
User type = posixAccount (rfc2307)
Contexts = cn=users,dc=ourserver,dc=example,dc=com
Search subcontexts = Yes
Dereference aliases = No
User attribute = (blank)
Member attribute = (blank)
Member attribute uses dn = (blank)
Object class = (blank)
Force change password = No
Use standard Change Password Page = No
Password format = Plain text
Password change URL = (blank)
Expiration = no
Expiration warning = 10
Expiration attribute = ""
Grace logins = No
Grace login attribute = (blank)
Create users externally = No
Context for new users = (blank)
Creators = (blank)
Removed ext user = Keep internal
Enable = No
Subnet = (blank)
First name = givenName (On every login, Never, Locked)
Surname = sn (On every login, Never, Locked)
Email address = mail (On every login, Never, Locked)
Phone 1 = (blank)
Phone 2 = (blank)
Department = (blank)
Address = (blank)
City/Town = l (On every login, Never, Locked)
Country = c (On every login, Never, Locked)
Description = description (On every login, Never, Locked)
ID number = uidNumber (On every login, Never, Locked)
Language = (blank)
==See also==
* [[Complete Install Packages for Mac OS X | Complete install packages for Mac OS X 10.4/10.5]]
* [[Step-by-step Guide for Installing Moodle on Mac OS X 10.4 Client|Step by step installation on a Mac OS X 10.4 Client]]
* [[Cron | Installation of cron for Moodle]]
* [[CVS for Administrators]]
* [ Using Moodle: Dynamic DNS Home Server]
[[Category:Mac OS X]]

Latest revision as of 07:32, 9 July 2014