Non-editing teacher role
A non-editing teacher is able within a course to view and grade students' work, but may not add, update or delete any of the activities or resources. This role might typically be given to a classroom assistant for example.
Non-editing teacher capabilities
A non-editing teacher can
- grade assignment submissions
- grade essay questions in quizzes
- approve, edit, delete glossary entries
- approve, edit, delete database activity entries
- edit, delete, split forum posts and move discussions to a different forum
Non-editing teachers and groups
In courses where groups are used, the non-editing teacher may well be responsible for one particular group and will not need access to other groups.
Doing so has many benefits:
- non-editing teachers can only see the groups that they are in;
- the Dashboard only shows updates for their groups;
- they only receive forum notifications for their groups; and
- they can only mark the groups that they're responsible for.
Note: In new installations of Moodle, non-editing teachers do not have the capability moodle/site:accessallgroups and so cannot by default access groups of which they are not a member. In sites which have been upgraded to Moodle 3.2 or later, non-editing teachers do still have this capability by default. Thus, if you only want them to access the groups for which they are responsible, then remove this capability at the course or site level.