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Development:PHP for novices

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This page is written for this who need an introduction into the PHP language. For more documentation please also visit

PHP for complete novices

Moodle is written in PHP - a relatively easy language to learn.

How it works

When your browser requests a webpage, you are asking for a file. The computer (server) you connect to at the other end of the internet normally sends back a file of HTML (which you need to get familiar with if you are not already) that your browser then converts into a webpage. HTML documents are static, meaning that they exist on the server in the same form as they are sent to you. PHP on the other hand is dynamic - the form it exists in on the server is different from what is ultimately sent to you, which may be different for different people. When a PHP file is requested, the server runs the instructions it contains and sends the output (HTML) to you in the normal way. PHP code can either be inserted into part of an HTML document, or can exist in files with nothing but PHP. You can recognise it by its start (<?php) and end (?>) tags

PHP almost always uses a database to store information. That way, the PHP forms a template, that gets filled with whatever information is appropriate to the user e.g. there is a space at the top right of this page for a username, but it is different for everyone.

In the following examples, the numbered line indicates what the intention of the developer is and the text in the box with the blue dashed outline is the code that would actually be written in the php file. Notice that the php lines always end with a ; symbol to indicate the end of a command.

The PHP code for the username box will say some thing like:

1. start a box by printing <div>

 echo "<div>";

2. set the font colour to blue by printing <font color="#002bb8">

 echo "<font color="#002bb8">";

3. get the username for user number x from the database


4. print that username

 echo $username;

5. end font colour by printing </font>

 echo "</font>";

6. end div by printing </div>

 echo </div>

End result (HTML that will be sent to your browser):

  <font color="#002bb8">
    Joe Bloggs


In the above example, $username is a variable. It is effectively algebra, where a word of some sort (starting with a dollar sign) represents a piece of data, in this case the username returned by the database.


In the above example, fullname() is a function. This means a collection of commands (which in this case accesses the user table of the database and returns the name) that have been defined elsewhere, which can be run using a shorthand reference. This saves writing them out hundreds of times in different places. Functions are often written down in large library files, so that they can be used whenever they are needed.

Including other files

Moodle is a very complex program. Instead of just one page with a list of commands, it uses a great many files linked together using the include or require_once commands. This means that when you request e.g. the front page, there will be commands such as the following:


which means 'if its not been done already for this page request, go and get config.php and run all of its instructions before continuing'. In this way, a single Moodle webpage can sometimes include as many as 150 separate files on the server. This is how the library files are made available - you include the library and can then use any of the functions that the library contains e.g. fullname().

Libraries and functions

To make the username commands above into a function, we would write them like this:

function print_username_box($useridnumber) {

   echo "<div>";
   echo "<font color="#002bb8">";
   echo $username;
   echo "</font>";
   echo </div>


Now, whenever the commands are needed, the developer simply writes print_username_box(123);

See also

Introduction to Moodle Programming a course at
