Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.2. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is probably available here: Moodle version.

Moodle version

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 13:23, 28 January 2007 by Ken Wilson (talk | contribs) (Added version.php & reformatting changes)

Often one sees references to differences in different Moodle versions. How can one see which version is on a certain site?

  • Hover over the Moodle logo: On many Moodle sites (it depends on the how customised the theme is) you can hover the mouse over the Moodle logo at the bottom of the page and you'll see the exact release version.
  • Administrator pages: On all sites you can log in as an Administrator and see the exact version at the bottom of the main admin screen.
  • Version.php: You can also view version information by opening the moodle/version.php file in your text editor. Here is a typical version.php:


// This file defines the current version of the core Moodle code being used.
// This is compared against the values stored in the database to determine
// whether upgrades should be performed (see lib/db/*.php)

   $version = 2006050521;  // YYYYMMDD   = date of the 1.6 branch (don't change)
                           //         X  = release number 1.6.[0,1,2,3...]
                           //          Y = micro-increments between releases

   $release = '1.6.2+';    // Human-friendly version name

Note: You cannot view the contents of version.php in your browser - you must use a text editor.