Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.2. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is probably available here: XMLDB reserved words.

Development:XMLDB reserved words

From MoodleDocs

XML database schema > XMLDB reserved words

This page will show, once finished, a collection of reserved words that we must avoid completely inside the Moodle DB.

The list

access, add, all, alter, analyse, analyze, and, any, array, as, asc, asensitive, asymmetric, audit, authorization, avg, backup, before, begin, between, bigint, binary, blob, both, break, browse, bulk, by, call, cascade, case, cast, change, char, character, check, checkpoint, close, cluster, clustered, coalesce, collate, column, comment, commit, committed, compress, compute, condition, confirm, connect, connection, constraint, contains, containstable, continue, controlrow, convert, count, create, cross, current, current_date, current_role, current_time, current_timestamp, current_user, cursor, database, databases, date, day_hour, day_microsecond, day_minute, day_second, dbcc, deallocate, dec, decimal, declare, default, deferrable, delayed, delete, deny, desc, describe, deterministic, disk, distinct, distinctrow, distributed, div, do, double, drop, dual, dummy, dump, each, else, elseif, enclosed, end, errlvl, errorexit, escape, escaped, except, exclusive, exec, execute, exists, exit, explain, false, fetch, file, fillfactor, float, float4, float8, floppy, for, force, foreign, freetext, freetexttable, freeze, from, full, fulltext, function, goto, grant, group, having, high_priority, holdlock, hour_microsecond, hour_minute, hour_second, identified, identity, identity_insert, identitycol, if, ignore, ilike, immediate, in, increment, index, infile, initial, initially, inner, inout, insensitive, insert, int, int1, int2, int3, int4, int8, integer, intersect, interval, into, is, isnull, isolation, iterate, join, key, keys, kill, leading, leave, left, level, like, limit, lineno, lines, load, localtime, localtimestamp, lock, long, longblob, longtext, loop, low_priority, match, max, maxextents, mediumblob, mediumint, mediumtext, middleint, min, minus, minute_microsecond, minute_second, mirrorexit, mlslabel, mod, mode, modifies, modify, national, natural, new, no_write_to_binlog, noaudit, nocheck, nocompress, nonclustered, not, notnull, nowait, null, nullif, number, numeric, of, off, offline, offset, offsets, old, on, once, online, only, open, opendatasource, openquery, openrowset, openxml, optimize, option, optionally, or, order, out, outer, outfile, over, overlaps, pctfree, percent, perm, permanent, pipe, placing, plan, precision, prepare, primary, print, prior, privileges, proc, procedure, processexit, public, purge, raid0, raiserror, raw, read, reads, readtext, real, reconfigure, references, regexp, release, rename, repeat, repeatable, replace, replication, require, resource, restore, restrict, return, revoke, right, rlike, rollback, row, rowcount, rowguidcol, rowid, rownum, rows, rule, save, schema, schemas, second_microsecond, select, sensitive, separator, serializable, session, session_user, set, setuser, share, show, shutdown, similar, size, smallint, some, soname, spatial, specific, sql, sql_big_result, sql_calc_found_rows, sql_small_result, sqlexception, sqlstate, sqlwarning, ssl, start, starting, statistics, straight_join, successful, sum, symmetric, synonym, sysdate, system_user, table, tape, temp, temporary, terminated, textsize, then, tinyblob, tinyint, tinytext, to, top, trailing, tran, transaction, trigger, true, truncate, tsequal, uid, uncommitted, undo, union, unique, unlock, unsigned, update, updatetext, upgrade, usage, use, user, using, utc_date, utc_time, utc_timestamp, validate, values, varbinary, varchar, varchar2, varcharacter, varying, verbose, view, waitfor, when, whenever, where, while, with, work, write, writetext, x509, xor, year_month, zerofill

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