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Filters can be used to add links, insert multimedia players, convert Mathematical expressions or emoticons into images and more.

A filter may be enabled at the site level and then removed as needed at the course or activity level. Thus a teacher can disable glossary auto-linking in a quiz for example.

Overview of course filters

Standard filters

Filters in Moodle include:

Contributed filters

Filters have also been made by developers in the community. Some docs online for these include:

  • FontAwesome - This scans text for icons that can be embedded using the FontAwesome icon set.
  • IPA - Renders simple X-SAMPA markup in the International Phonetic Alphabet
  • PoodLL - is the core PoodLL plugin for Moodle. It contains all the recorders, widgets and the code that makes it possible to use them around Moodle. It is a required component for all the other PoodLL plugins.
  • filter generico - gives you considerable ability to customize your Moodle site without having to resort to multiple plugins, or custom PHP coding
  • filter multiembed - Facilitates embedding of third-party content from a growing list of service providers (e.g. Prezi, Haiku Deck, etc.)

See also