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WebDAV repository

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 14:26, 4 October 2011 by Helen Foster (talk | contribs) (removing improve template - thanks Mary :-))

Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is a set of methods based on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaboration between users in editing and managing documents and files stored on World Wide Web servers.

A WebDAV repository can be enabled by a site administrator in Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Repositories > Manage repositories.

WebDAV configuration

After enabling the WebDAV repository, a repository instance can be created in Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Repositories > WebDAV repository.

Webdav config.png


WebDAV type: Choose from HTTP or HTTPS connection

WebDAV server: The server name

WebDAV path: The path to webdav directory

Authentication: We currently only support HTTP Basic Authentication

WebDAV server port: The webdav server port

WebDAV server user: HTTP Basic authentication username

WebDAV server password: HTTP Basic authentication password

For example, if you are going to added an webdav server at http://webdavserver.tld/path/to/dir, you should use following options: WebDAV type: HTTP WebDAV Server: webdavserver.tld

Configuring WebDAV on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 (Service Pack 2), IIS V6.0

Configure Windows Server 2003

First we need to install WebDAV on the server. Note: when you promote a basic Windows Server 2003 installation to an application server, it installs various IIS 6 components but WebDAV isn’t one of them.

Install and Enable WebDAV on the Server

To install WebDAV on the IIS 6 machine, use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel and run the Windows Components Wizard. You can find WebDAV under Application Server -> Internet Information Services -> World Wide Web Service -> WebDAV Publishing.

Once WebDAV is installed it needs to be enabled. Check the WebDAV option under the Web Service Extensions node in IIS Manager.

Configure IIS

Configuring a new virtual directory in IIS is a two-step process:

  1. Create a new virtual directory using the Virtual Directory wizard
  2. Configure the access permissions on the new virtual directory

Create New Virtual Directory

  1. Open IIS and right-click on your Moodle website. Select New -> Virtual Directory... from the pop-up menu.
    Menu option required for creating new virtual directory
  2. Select New -> Virtual directory... from the pop-up menu. The Create New Virtual Directory Wizard is displayed.
    IIS Virtual Directory Creation Wizard
  3. Call the new virtual directory Moodledata.
    alt text
  4. Specify the path to the Moodledata directory.
    Choosing path to folder on server
  5. Ensure the new virtual directory has Read, Write and Browse permissions.
    Specifying directory permissions
  6. Press the Finish button to create the new virtual directory.

Configuring Virtual Directory Properties

  1. Right-click on the new virtual directory and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
    Checking new virtual directory properties
  2. Ensure that Read, Write, Directory browsing, and Log visits are checked. Ensure Index this resource is unchecked.
    Virtual directory properties correctly configured
  3. Click on the Directory Security tab and press the Authentication and access control Edit... button
    Directory Security authentication and access control
  4. Authenticated access configuration will depend on your needs. Basic access will require you to uncheck Enable anonymous access and check Basic authentication (password is sent in clear text). You may get a warning about security:
    Directory security warning
  5. Your new virtual directory is ready for testing.
    New virtual directory ready for use

Testing WebDAV on Windows XP

WebDAV needs to be enabled on any client machines that will be used to create and manage content for Moodle. Windows XP has a built-in WebDAV client service that needs to be enabled:

  1. Open the Services console under Administrative Tools and find the WebClient service.
  2. Double-click on this service to open its Properties sheet.
  3. Change the Startup Type to Automatic, then click the Start button to start the service.

Note: Internet Explorer 8.0 no longer supports web folders. See this blog post from David Conner for details. Instead, you will need to map a network drive (instructions on mapping a network drive are also given in David's blog post).

WebDAV path: /path/to/dir/

See also