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Revision as of 23:06, 10 August 2005 by rafal (talk | contribs) (→‎BASIC MODE)

Clicking Grades you will see the grades of tests, quizzes and projects that students have done.

Many Moodle activities allow grades to be set. By default, the results of all grades within the course can be seen in the Grades page, available to students from the course home page "Administration" block.

If a teacher is not interested in using grades in a course, or just wants to hide grades from students, then they can disable the display of grades using this setting. This does not prevent individual activities from using or setting grades, it just disables the results being displayed to students.


In the basic mode you will see two tabs:

View Grades

Here you will see all students, their grades for each graded item, and a total for each student. You can sort by student last name or first name by clicking the respective links under the student column on either the left or right side. The gradebook initially sorts by lastname. The student names are links that will display just that student and their grades. This is useful when a student is looking at the gradebook with you and you need to protect the privacy of other student grades. The button at the top will create an excel spreadsheet or a tab separated text file for the course grades which you can download to your local machine. The main heading will display 'Grades' if you are using the normal mode (default). Otherwise it will show the category name which you are currently viewing if you have turned advanced settings on. In the middle you will see all graded items for a course (or just a particular category in advanced mode). The names for each graded item are links that take you to the settings for that particular item. A total column will be located to the right of all assignments (or categories in advanced mode). There are two arrows to the right of the Total heading that sort student totals in descending and ascending order respectively. To the right of the total heading (or for each individual category in advanced mode) is a 'stats' link that will display a popup of statistics based on total for the class. How to adjust specific gradebook settings. The link that you need to click to adjust a setting will be in double quotes. More information and help will be available on each respective screen.

Set Preferences

Here you can switch the basic and advanced mode by clicking Use/Hide Advanced Features. Below you will find two options

  • Reprint Headers - determines how often the column headings are reprinted. This can help to keep track of a large class of students.
  • Show Hidden Items - will show (or hide) grade items that are hidden. This applies to the instructor view only. Students will not see gradebook entries for items that are not visible to them. Student totals will include hidden items if this is set to "Yes"


If you decide to use advanced options, you will see six tabs:

View Grades

In the advanced mode, the default grade view is by category (All grades by category) - it shows the category name which you are currently viewing. Clicking Uncategorised Grades will switch the view to the one you can see in the basic mode.

Set Preferences

In the advanced mode you will see more preferences you can set according to your needs.

Display Weighted Grade determines whether or not the weighted percent will be displayed. You can also choose whether or not students see this.

Display Points determines whether or not the points are displayed. Student settings can be adjusted seperately from the instructor view.

Display Percent determines whether or not a percent is displayed. Student settings can be adjusted seperate from instructor view.

Display Letter Grade determines whether or not a letter grade is displayed for the course total.

Letter Grade determines how the letter grade is calculated either using raw percent or weighted percent.

Reprint headers determines how often the column headings are reprinted. This can help to keep track of a large class of students.

Show Hidden Items shows grade items that are hidden. This applies to the instructor view only. Students will not see gradebook entries for items that are not visible to them. Student totals will include hidden items if this is set to "Yes"

Set Categories

This is where graded items can be placed into categories, curved and set as extra credit items. New categories can also be added and existing ones deleted.

Category adjusts which category a graded item belongs to. Just select the appropriate category from the drop down list. Items that have not been assigned a category or were in a category that was deleted will be automatically placed in "Uncategorized"

Curve To allows you to curve grades. Set this item to what you would like the particular graded item graded out of. So if the max grade was 30 and curve to was set at 28 students grades and percents would be calculated against a possible 28 points rather than 30.

You should check the Extra Credit box if you would like a particular category to be calculated as extra credit. Please note that setting all items to extra credit for a particular category will have unexpected results, and will most likely not count the category or extra credit at all.

Set Weights

This is where you can set the grade weights for a category as well as dropping the lowest X assignments from grade calculation, adding bonus points to a category, hiding a category from grade display and calculation.

Weight allows you to weight grades by category. The weight is the percent that a category will contribute to a grades total. A total will be listed at the bottom in green text if the total weights for all categories totals 100 and red otherwise.

Drop X Lowest is used to drop the X number of lowest scores from a students grade calculation. The point totals for a category should be all the same value or unpredictable results may occur.

Bonus Points is used to give extra points that do not change the point total for a category. This can be used to adjust for unfair questions or similiar. These will be applied equally to all students. If you wish to selectively provide extra credit; add a new graded item and set it to extra credit in "Set Categories".

If the Hidden box is checked it will remove a category from display and also from grade calculation. This an easy way to only add items to the gradebook after they have been graded. Since graded items that have not been categorized will automatically be assigned to "Uncategorized" you can set the "Uncategorized" category to hidden and then as you grade items move them to whichever category you like and students can then see their grade.

Set Grade Letters

You can set your grade letter scale here. Initially a "suggested" scale is presented and all that needs to be done to use this scale is to click "Save Changes". If however you do not like this scale, just change any entries you want and then click "Save Changes". After this initial setting you will see your current selected scale. Leave an entry blank to not include it or delete it from the grade scale.

Theses are errors you may see in the gradebook:

No Grades Set means that the initial grade scale has not been set. All you need to do (if you like the suggested scale) is to click "save changes"

No Grade Letter For X indicates that there is no appropriate grade letter for X.

Grade Exceptions

This can be used to exclude students from individual assignments. This is useful if two class sections merge or a student transfers from a different section several weeks into a semester. It is also useful for extenuating circumstances: sickness, injury, etc. There are three columns:

Included in Grading (left) - a list of students for the course that are for an particular graded item.

Grade Items (middle) - a list of all graded items followed by a total number of students excluded from grading in parenthesis.

Excluded from Grading (right) - a list of students that are excluded from a particular assignment

To exclude students click the assignment in the middle and then click the students name in the left column (holding down CTRL or APPLE will allow selection of multiple items). Then click "Exclude from Grading" at the bottom. The student(s) should be moved from the left column to the right, and they will now be excluded from grade calculations for that assignment.

To include students that have been excluded; Choose the appropriate assignment, click the student in the right column and finally "Include in Grading" at the bottom. The student should be moved from the right column to the left column.